
Slack for Music: provide real time event driven collaboration between users for synchronized music playback and DJ delegation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

slick Build Status Coverage Status

Slack for Music: provide real time event driven collaboration between users for synchronized music playback and DJ delegation

##Overview ###Tech Stack

  • React
  • rollup (bundling)
  • Socket.io
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • Supertest
  • socket.io-client
  • Node + Express


  • built in React
  • 4 different components <Main> <SongPlayer> <SongQueue> <Songs>
  • <Main> is component where DOM event and socket event handling happens (ex: play, pause, onPlay socket emit events, etc..)
  • <SongPlayer> is component where <audio> element is mounted and where audio playback events are listened to and events passed back up to <Main>
  • <SongQueue> is container component to hold <Songs> components
  • <Songs> is view component which displays song information in queue


  • See simple chat application using Socket.io here http://socket.io/get-started/chat/ to get up to speed with how to use sockets
  • There are 3 socket events
    • playCurrent: all client sockets emit this event when user triggers play on song player; all client sockets listen for this event to play current song
    • pauseCurrent: same as the playCurrent event except pauses the current song
    • songEnded: socket event dispatched when current song is done playing

##Getting Started

  1. Get your own Soundcloud client id at http://soundcloud.com/you/apps/new and use in client-id.js file

  2. Configure and define IP address of person hosting DJ room in main.js when instantiating <Slick> component

  3. npm install

  4. rollup -c to bundle up React source files

  5. npm start to start server

rollup -c each time you make changes to client side react .js files to bundle files

##Features to Implement

  • Chatroom UI
  • Friends List UI
  • User login with DB: persist user information for friends list / chat
  • DJ power: only 1 person can change songs currently playing in chat room
  • Data Persistence on server: save song list queue on server side to synchronize current playing song across users in chat room