
Ansible Role for Backing Up UCS Files on BIG-IP Devices


This Ansible role is designed to create a backup of the UCS (User Configuration Set) file from BIG-IP devices. It automatically handles all steps from initiating an API session to saving the UCS backup file on a utility server.

Table of Contents


Ansible Requirements

  • Ansible version: 2.9 or higher
  • Ansible uri module for API interactions
  • Ansible assemble module for file assembly
  • delegate_to functionality must be available for task delegation

System Requirements

  • Control Node that can reach BIG-IP's API endpoint
  • Utility server with NFS mount to store UCS files
  • Python installed on the Ansible Control Node

Variable Requirements

This role requires the following variables to be defined:

  • big_ip_address: The IP address of the BIG-IP device.
  • bigip_username: The username for the BIG-IP device.
  • bigip_password: The password for the BIG-IP device.
  • tmp_dir: Temporary directory to store UCS fragments on the control node.
  • nfs_mount_point: NFS mount point where the complete UCS file will be stored.
  • chunk_size: The size of each chunk during the file download (optional, default is set within the role).

Role Logic

  1. Get Current Time: Retrieves the current time to be used in naming the UCS file.
  2. Set Filename: Sets the filename for the UCS backup.
  3. Initiate BIG-IP API Session: Initializes a session with the BIG-IP API.
  4. Create UCS Backup: Generates the UCS file on the BIG-IP device.
  5. Create Directory for Fragments: Creates a directory to store file fragments.
  6. Fetch Initial Chunk of UCS: Downloads the first chunk of the UCS file.
  7. Download Remaining Chunks: Downloads the remaining chunks in parallel.
  8. Assemble File Parts: Assembles all downloaded fragments to form the complete UCS file.
  9. Move Assembled UCS: Moves the complete UCS file to a utility server.
  10. Clean Up: Removes temporary files and directories.
  11. Delete UCS from BIG-IP: Deletes the UCS file from the BIG-IP device post fetching.


Include this role in your Ansible Playbook:

- hosts: big_ip_servers
    - name: your-role-name


Debug tasks are included within the role to help in troubleshooting. Look for lines starting with === IMPORTANT === and === ALERT === in the Ansible output for important messages.




Contributions are welcome. Please submit pull requests for any enhancements.


Kyle Jones