AppCenter Gradle Plugin

Build Status


This plugin allow you to upload android application to AppCenter. You can declare several applications, the plugin will take care of build variant to upload the apk on the right AppCenter application

Find last version on Gradle Repository

Quick Start

File : build.gradle

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""
    dependencies {
        classpath ""

File : app/build.gradle

apply plugin: "com.betomorrow.appcenter"

android {
    // ...
    flavorDimensions "environment"
    productFlavors {
        alpha {
            dimension "environment"
            applicationIdSuffix ".alpha"
            versionNameSuffix "-alpha"
        beta {
            dimension "environment"
            applicationIdSuffix ".beta"
            versionNameSuffix "-beta"
        prod {
            dimension "environment"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig android.signingConfigs.release

appcenter {
    apiToken = "XXXXXXXX"                       // Api Token from AppCenter user profile
    ownerName = "ACME"                          // Owner Name of the AppCenter Application
    distributionGroups = ["Beta"]               // Name of the AppCenter Distribution Group
    releaseNotes = file("../")      // Can be a file or text
    notifyTesters = true                        // Send mail to testers
    apps {                                      // Here we manage 3 AppCenter applications : alpha, beta and prod
        alpha {                                 // When dimension is provided, this name match the productFlavor name
            dimension = "environment"           // This dimension match the flavor dimension
            appName = "GradleSample-Alpha"      // The AppCenter application name
        beta {
            dimension = "environment"
            appName = "GradleSample-Beta"
        prodRelease {                           // When no dimension is provided, this name match the full variant name
            appName = "GradleSample"

The plugin will create 3 tasks :

  • appCenterUploadAlphaRelease
  • appCenterUploadBetaRelease
  • appCenterUploadProdRelease

Override properties

Each apps nodes inherit properties from appcenter global properties. You can override those properties by defining properties on the target application node like in the following sample with alpha node

appcenter {
    apiToken = "XXXXXXXX"
    ownerName = "ACME"
    distributionGroups = ["Beta"]
    releaseNotes = file("../")
    notifyTesters = false
    apps {      
        alpha {
            dimension = "environment"
            apiToken = "YYYYYYYY"
            ownerName = "AnotherOwner"
            distributionGroups = ["Alpha"]
            releaseNotes = "No Changes"
            appName = "GradleSample-Alpha"
            notifyTesters = true
        prodRelease {           
            appName = "GradleSample"

Use Environment Variables (for CI use)

  • APPCENTER_API_TOKEN : AppCenter API token
  • APPCENTER_DISTRIBUTION_GROUPS : Comma separated list of distribution groups
  • APPCENTER_RELEASE_NOTES : Release notes in Markdown format