
The “Minutes of the Federal Council” page allows full-text searches of the handwritten and typewritten minutes . Includes 4 repositories.

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


The “Minutes of the Federal Council” page, includes 4 repositories.


The “Minutes of the Federal Council (1848–1963)” page allows full-text searches of the handwritten minutes from 1848 to 1903 and the typewritten minutes up to 1963.

The site is comprised of the following features:

  • Browsing handwritten and typewritten minutes of the Federal Council from 1848-1963 in a chronological manner
  • Fulltext search all minutes including highlighted search results snippets
  • Search options and filters include timespan restrictions and fuzzy search
  • Fulltext search within a chosen minutes document
  • Parallel display of the digitised original and the automatically read text


The complete solution includes 4 code repositories.

The repository chgov-brprotokolle-server is the backend for the ingestion of minutes and the interface for SOLR search requests. The repository chgov-brprotokolle-frontend is the public facing site to browse and search the minutes. The repository chgov-brprotokolle-mirador-ocr-helper is plugin for the Mirador IIIF viewer that enables a parallel display of the digitised original and the automatically read text. The repository chgov-brprotokolle-markdown is a set of info and help pages in markdown format.

Data access

Structural data as well as the content of the minutes of the Federal Council can be accessed in a strcutured format. That data is available as IIIF Collections and IIIF Manifests. That endpoint can be accessed by the public and can be crawled as needed to extract data.


The following IIIF collection acts as a "root" collection https://api.chgov.bar.admin.ch/manifests/root.json

This collection holds references to sub-collection for every year from 1848 to 1963 in the items object:

Property Description
id The url of the resource. The top level collection holds its own url but every item object holds the url to the corresponding sub collection.
type Type of the resource. Structural data has the type Collection documents have the type Manifest.
label Label of the resource
thumbnail Thumbnail image of the resource
navDate Date of the resource. Used for sorting.


Below the root collection the annual collections are referenced. In an annual collection all monthly collections of that year are referenced. The monthly collections are the lowest collection level and reference the minutes manifests:


Property Description
id The url of the resource
type The type of the resource. For minutes this is Manifest
summary The title of the resource
thumbnail Thumbnail image of the resource
navDate Date of the resource. Used for sorting.
metadata Object for metadata. Each element contains a localized label and value
rendering Object for alternative representations of the given document. Each element contains a reference and a label. The following formats are provided:
PDF: Reference to a PDF on the „Amtsdruckschriften“ platform of the Swiss Federal Archives.
OCR: reference to an ocr text file
WebOZ: Reference to the detail page on the online access platform of the Swiss Federal Archives
rendering/id Reference to an external file or exernal website
rendering/label Label of that reference
items Pages of the minutes document as Canvas objects
items/id Reference to the IIIF image server info json
items/items/body/id Reference to the page's full size image file
items/items/body/type Resource type Image
items/seeAlso/id Reference to the page's hocr file



GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3), see LICENSE


This repository is a copy which is updated regularly - therefore contributions via pull requests are not possible. However, independent copies (forks) are possible under consideration of the The MIT license.


  • For general questions (and technical support), please contact the Swiss Federal Archives by e-mail at bundesarchiv@bar.admin.ch.
  • Technical questions or problems concerning the source code can be posted here on GitHub via the "Issues" interface.