This git-repository contains source-code for an interactive figure on health effects of ambient air pollution. It is a project of the Swiss Literature Database and Services on Health Effects of Ambient Air Pollution LUDOK at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). You can explore the deployed version on the LUDOK website.
It was developed jointly with partner organizations, namely:
Bundesamt für Umwelt (Trägerorganisation)
Kantonale Behörden für Luftreinhaltung (Trägerorganisation)
Krebsliga Schweiz (Trägerorganisation)
Lunge Zürich (Trägerorganisation)
The content corresponds to the state of knowledge of 2020.
- Concept and implementation
- Authors
Meltem Kutlar Joss, Lara Stucki, Zoe Roth
- Visual design and programing
The data displayed in this interactive figure is based on the current Integrated Science Assessments by the US Environmental Protection Agency. A distinction is made between effects caused by short-term (over hours or days) and long-term (over months and years) exposure to air pollution. Notably, effects of long-term elevated exposures are more serious.
The figure is limited to causal and likely to be causal effects as assessed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA assesses the relationship between pollutants and potential health effects using a five-point scale. The levels "causal" and "likely to be causal" are the two highest levels on this causality scale.
Further information on the causality assessment of the Integrated Science Assessments: Preamble to the Integrated Science Assessments (ISA).