
Primary LanguagePHPGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Online Media Files is an application for Novius OS for managing and displaying online media files.

Supported providers are :

  • Dailymotion
  • Flickr
  • Instagram
  • Slideshare
  • Soundcloud
  • Spotify
  • Storify
  • Vimeo
  • Vine
  • Youtube

In addition, any platforms that implements the oEmbed format is supported (see below for more informations).


The Online Media File application runs on Novius OS Chiba 2 and upper.



After you installed this application in your Novius OS, you will be able to manage online media files using an appdesk, display them in a wysiwyg with an enhancer, attach them on a model with a renderer and display them in the frontend.


This application uses drivers to fetch and display online media files.


A driver is composed of two files :

  • A configuration file novius_onlinemediafiles/config/driver/example.config.php :
return array(
    'name'	=> __('Example'),
    'icon'	   => array(
        '16' => 'example.png',
  • A class file novius_onlinemediafiles/config/driver/example.config.php that extends Driver and implements at least these methods :
class Driver_Example extends Driver {

     * Test whether the driver is compatible with the online media
     * @return bool|mixed
    public function compatible();

     * Fetch the online media attributes (title, description, metadatas...)
     * @return bool|mixed
    public function fetch();

Available drivers

Available drivers are set in the configuration file novius_onlinemediafiles/config/config.php :

* Available drivers
'drivers' => array(

Create a driver

You can create a new driver if the existing ones doesn't fit your needs. You just have to create the class file with the required methods (see the Structure section above) :

namespace Demo;

class Driver_Custom extends Novius\OnlineMediaFiles\Driver {

... and the configuration file:

return array(
    'name'	=> __('Example'),
    'icon'	   => array(
        '16' => 'example.png',

Then add your driver to the list of available drivers:

\Event::register_function('config|novius_onlinemediafiles::config', function(&$config) {
    $config['drivers'][] = 'Demo\Driver_Custom';


The driver Driver_Oembed supports plateforms that implements the oEmbed API.

Because the oEmbed API implementation path differs between plateforms, the driver uses the path_mapping property in the driver's configuration to match the API path by host. If no host matches then the default path api.path is used.

You can add custom host/path map :

\Event::register_function('config|novius_onlinemediafiles::driver/oembed', function(&$config) {
    $config['path_mapping']['example.com'] = '/custom/path/oembed';

Online media on a model

Attach a single online media :

Add a new property on your model :

protected static $_properties = array(
    'model_onme_id' => array(
        'default' => null,
        'data_type' => 'int unsigned',
        'null' => true,

Create the new field in the table :

ALTER TABLE  `model` ADD `model_onme_id` INT( 11 ) NULL DEFAULT NULL;

Add a belongs_to relation on your model :

protected static $_belongs_to = array(
    'online_media' => array(
        'key_from'       => 'model_onme_id',
        'model_to'       => 'Novius\OnlineMediaFiles\Model_Media',
        'key_to'         => 'onme_id',
        'cascade_save'   => false,
        'cascade_delete' => false,

Add the renderer in the CRUD configuration file :

'fields'  => array(
  'online_media' = array(
      'label' => '',
      'renderer' => 'Novius\OnlineMediaFiles\Renderer_Media',
      'template' => '<div>{field}</div>',
      'form' => array(
          'title' => __('Online media'),

Attach many online medias :

Add a many_many relation on your model :

protected static $_many_many = array(
    'online_medias' => array( // key must be defined, relation will be loaded via $blocmagique->key
        'table_through'     => 'model_onlinemedias',
        'key_from'          => 'model_id',
        'key_through_from'  => 'moom_model_id'
        'key_through_to'    => 'moom_onme_id',
        'key_to'            => 'onme_id',
        'cascade_save'      => false,
        'cascade_delete'    => false,
        'model_to'          => 'Novius\OnlineMediaFiles\Model_Media',

Create a new table to store the links between your model and the online medias :

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `model_onlinemedias` (
    `moom_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `moom_model_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
    `moom_onme_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`moom_id`),
    KEY `omedia_model_id` (`moom_model_id`),
    KEY `omedia_media_id` (`moom_onme_id`)

Add the renderer in the CRUD configuration file :

'fields'  => array(
  'online_medias' = array(
      'label' => '',
      'renderer' => 'Novius\OnlineMediaFiles\Renderer_Media',
      'template' => '<div>{field}</div>',
      'form' => array(
          'title' => __('Online media'),

Display an online media


You can use the Online media enhancer to display an online media in a page or wysiwyg.

From a model

Example on a model with a many_many relation named online_medias:

foreach ($model->online_medias as $online_media) {
    // Displays the online media thumbnail
    echo Html::img($online_media->thumbnail());
    // Displays the embedded online media
    echo $online_media->display();

You can get the driver using the driver():

// Get the driver
$driver = $model->media->driver();
if (!empty($driver)) {
    // Dump the online media attributes


This application provides a renderer Novius\OnlineMediaFiles\Renderer_Media similar to Nos\Media\Renderer_Media.

Example of static renderer :

    'name'      => 'online_medias',
    'multiple'  => true,
    'values'    => array(1),
    'template'  => '<div>{field}</div>',
    'form'      => array(
        'title'     => __('Média internet'),

When using in a CRUD the renderer determines automatically the multiple attribute, based on the relation type used to store de online media(s) (belongs_to or many_many).