A Simple Go Application to Test Auto Scaling functionalities for Kubernetes Clusters

This application allows you to send compute intensive HTTP requests to a simple webserver.

Docker Image


Build Image by your Own

# Simple Build
docker build -t go-scaling .
# Multi Platform Build and Push to Docker Hub
docker buildx build --push --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t <docker-hub-username>/go-scaling .


  • /compute/{fibNumber}: Allows you to calculate the n-th fibonacci number. Produces a lot of load on the http server depends on the number. Don't go higher than 45 if you do you will not get a response until the end of time 😉
  • /escalate: Behind this endpoint is an empty infinity loop. That means the http server behind will go up to 100% CPU load immediately.
  • /stopescalate: This endpoint will stop the infinite loop.

Kubernetes Port-Forwarding

This command allow you to forward kubernetes ressources running inside your kubernetes cluster and bind it to a port on your local machine for testing purposes.

Pod Forwarding

kubectl port-forward pod/[POD_NAME] [LOCAL_PORT]:[POD_PORT] -n [NAMESPACE]
# Example
kubectl port-forward pod/my-pod 8080:80 -n my-namespace

Service Forwarding

kubectl port-forward service/[SERVICE_NAME] [LOCAL_PORT]:[SERVICE_PORT] -n [NAMESPACE]
# Example
kubectl port-forward service/my-service 8080:80 -n my-namespace


curl http://localhost:8080/compute/20 -> This will send a http request to the compute endpoint

Bechmarking Tools

Example - Hey (Windows, Linux, Mac)


hey -z 20s -c 10 http://localhost:8080/compute/30 -> Will make 10 concurrent requests for 30 seconds and outputs a summary after

Benchmarking Tool - Apache Bench (Mac, Linux)


ab -n 3000000 -c 10 http://localhost:8080/compute/30 -> Will make 10 concurrent requests for 30 seconds and outputs a summary after

Benchmarking Tool - Siege (Mac, Linux, Windows)

siege -c10 -t1M http://example.com/ http://localhost:8080/compute/30 -> Will make 10 concurrent requests for 1 minute with live output.

Install NGINX Ingress Controller

Install Helm Package Manager


Add Bitnami Repo for helm chart

# Add Bitnami Repo for helm
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm repo update

Install NGINX Ingress

# Install nginx-ingress
helm upgrade --install nginx-ingress bitnami/nginx-ingress-controller --namespace nginx-ingress --create-namespace