
A CLI-based Peer-2-Peer Chat App written in Node.js using OpenSSL for encryption. (written in a morning, and now periodically updated :)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Secure P2P Chat

This is another one of my random projects that I threw together in a random morning/afternoon


First Run

npm run all

After First Run

npm run start


/listen [HOST] PORT -- Startup a chat server. Host is optional (assumes localhost)

/connect HOST:PORT -- Connect to someone else's chat session

/su USERNAME -- Change username from your session/computer username to something else

/me MESSAGE -- Talk in third-person perspective (i.e., Swivel is incredibly tired.)

/debug -- Enables debug output for incoming messages

Other Commands

/import PATH -- Path (local or remote) to a JavaScript file to be EVAL'd locally

/exit -- Quit

/motd -- Echo the local MOTD (eventually, this will go to the remote as well)

/error -- Output the stacktrace of the last error to occur in the application