ES6 edition of React+d3js, a book about making modular data visualizations.
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random generators -> random number generators
#14 opened by micahstubbs - 0
new code should be bold
#13 opened by micahstubbs - 0
text should point out the difference between js ${Template literals} and React {Javascript Expressions}
#12 opened by micahstubbs - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
text code listings and working-project example code should use consistent function names
#7 opened by micahstubbs - 0
code examples in text should use correct multi-line character syntax for the language shown
#6 opened by micahstubbs - 0
the text should show a code listing where the Axis component is rendered in Histogram.jsx
#5 opened by micahstubbs - 0
Example 7 code missing from code listing
#4 opened by micahstubbs - 0
mismatched file paths in text
#3 opened by micahstubbs - 0
improve contrast for inline code snippets
#2 opened by micahstubbs - 0