CKA! Here are some tips and tricks

Study tips

  • Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests by Mumshad Mannambeth.
  • CKA-StudyGuide by David-VTUK: LabGuide.
  • (You get 2 free sessions of with your exam voucher. The sessions last 36 hours each and the questions are MUCH harder than the real CKA exam. was actually useless in terms of the questions they asked BUT the environment/ layout of the terminal is very similar to the real exam so it helped me become comfortable with how the real exam would look.)


  • Create roles, services, and role bindings
  • Unschedule a node and reschedule the pods
  • Backup and restore ETCD
  • Upgrade a cluster to a specific version
  • Scale deployments
  • NodeSchedulers
  • Pod logs
  • Pod resource usage
  • Persistent Volumes
  • Assigning PVC to pods
  • Sidecar containers
  • Ingress
  • Exposing deployments/ pods
  • Troubleshooting nodes, pods, or networks (practice all)


As soon as you enter the terminal run these commands

  • alias k=kubectl Lets you type "k" in place of "kubectl" export do="--dry-run=client -o yaml" This will let you create yaml files when you use the "kubectl run" command [ex: kubectl run nginx --image=nginx $do > nginx.yaml]. Then you can vim into the yaml you created. NEVER create a yaml file from scratch. It takes away too much valuable time. You can copy and paste almost any yaml configuration you will need from
  • sudo -i Gives you root privileges. Run this immediately because the user they give you on the exam doesn't seem to have permission to do anything...
  • USE THE RIGHT CONTEXT FOR EACH QUESTION. You will be instructed to use a specific context for each question. They give you the command to switch to the right context so all you have to do is copy and paste it into the terminal before you do anything. I cannot stress how important this step is. If you forget this step and use the wrong context you will most likely get the question wrong.
  • Be VERY familiar with the kubectl cheat sheet and the reference docs. There are a lot of commands on both that will help you out tremendously if you know where to look.



  • 'kn' Alias Magic: Discover the time-saving wonders of the 'kn' alias for efficient Kubernetes management.
  • Imperative Commands Mastery: Learn how to speed through tasks using Kubernetes imperative commands.
  • Crafting with '--dry-run': Unveil the art of creating quick templates and streamline your Kubernetes workflow.
  • Demystifying 'kubectl explain --recursive': Unlock the full potential of Kubernetes resources with this deep-dive command.
  • Verification Tactics: Ensure accuracy in your configurations with practical verification tips, including the use of netcat.
  • Command Syntax Rescue with 'kubectl -h': Never get stuck again, thanks to this handy command helper.
  • Service Account Insights with 'kubectl can-i': Understand and manage service account permissions like a pro.
  • Sidecar & Multipod Solutions: Navigate complex pod configurations with ease.
  • Resource Updates with 'kubectl replace --force': Learn how to make swift and effective updates in your cluster.
  • Vi/Vim Essentials: Overcome the Vi/Vim hurdle with simple, yet powerful command techniques.
