
Official developer API documentation for Gluo


Official developer API documentation for the Gluo API.

What is v3?

v3 is what currently powers al of Gluo. It's an api that was never intended to be used for what the new requirements will bring.

What is v4?

It is a new, faster and more features bringing API. This new API will run the official webapp and potential later official client-apps (mobile, desktop) or even unoffocial developer apps. We aim to make it easier to use for our own but also external developers

What will v4 bring for developing users?

  • A developer friendly api that allows any developer to create and make use of our features. To assure fair, fun and social use of this API we will be bringing a set of features and requirements.
  • A developer program that will grant small features to those that the platform identifies as developers. How does one become a developer? It is pretty easy, all you need is an active bot running on the platform. That's how you become a developer. One can also become a verified developer. This is achieved through hard work. Having at least one, if not multiple, verified bots and being a known member to the community.
  • As an automatic integration with the platform, we will be bringing Gluo Bots. These bots will not be granted any access to post or comment in the public application. To use a bot you will have to invite it to a private or public group. This is to assure that bots will not dominate communal and public space without the consent of the owners of said space.

What will v4 bring for the none-developing users?

  • First of all, we want to assure that no functionalities from the previous versions are lost. When v4 is released it will work with the same fundamentals and for a reoccuring user feel natural right away.
  • Second of all, we want to ship new features right away with this new version. Not only will you have what you had before, you will also have: post and reaction editing (more coming to the list).
  • Third of all, we will release a new user-interface together with the new API. Our front-end team is working around the clock to reinvent the user-experience of Gluo!

Why v4 and v3 only? What happened to v2 and v1?

Gluo went through many iterations, before it got where it is now. Both versions one and two never got to public testing. They were more meant to be used for shaping some ground-concepts and getting some attention.