- ajax数据交汇
- 短信验证码
- 文件上传下载
- 分页等功能
- 本系统应该包含前台用户系统、后台管理系统。
- 前台用户系统能够实现用户在前台的登录,注册,在未登录的情况可以搜索歌曲,在登录后能实现歌曲的上传与下载,以及在专辑页面的浏览。
- 后台管理系统能够进行用户管理,歌曲管理与专辑管理。
This is an online music website project. Based on Servlet and JSP technology, this project has realized the functions of ajax data intersection, short message verification code, file upload and download, paging, etc. Because it is a student, the project is not very difficult, the function is not perfect, the page is not beautiful enough, please include more. If there are any mistakes, please point them out. Thank you. Range: This system should include front-end user system and back-end management system. Front-end user system can realize users'login, registration, search for songs in the case of non-login, upload and download songs after login, and browse album pages. Background management system can manage users, songs and albums.