
A tiny framework to quickly create a REST API in PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP REST module

This module is a tiny framework to quickly create a REST API in PHP

To use this framework, simply create a new resource and register it with a new service:

$resource = new Resource('account/', new Account(), new AccountController());
$service = new Service();

The Account class should implement the iResourceModel interface and the AccountController should implement the iResourceController interface. To resolve a request get the current request parameters and tell the service to resolve it:

$request = Request::current();

Subsets and custom routes

Resources can also contain subsets or custom routes (in theory you can use this framework as a 'normal' router, but that is not the intention of this framework). To register a subset, add a new resource to an existing one:

$subset = new Resource('orders/', new Order(), new OrderController());

You can now retrieve orders for an account using the path /account/[id]/orders. Custom routes are added as follows:

$subset->addCustomRoute('GET', 'custom/', array(new OrderController(), 'customFunctionName'));

You can also register anonymous functions.

Setting a custom bootstrap path

If you use this framework on a subdomain it might be necessary to manually set the bootstrap path. For example, if you registered your resource to be found at the path /account but your requests actually look like http://mydomain.com/mysubdomain/rest/account you should set /mysubdomain/rest as your bootstrap path:

$request = Request::current();

Mapping of requests to resource controller

Typical REST implementation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer#Example

Request method Request path Controller method Request body
GET /account/[id] retrieve empty
GET /account listAll empty
PUT /account/[id] replace resource model
PUT /account replaceAll array or resource models
POST /account create resource model
DELETE /account/[id] delete empty
DELETE /account deleteAll empty

Example resource controller

class AccountController implements iResourceController {

    public function retrieve($resourceId) {
    	// get account from database
    	return new Account();

    public function listAll($query = null, $limit = 1000, $page = 1, $sort = null, $desc = 0) {
    	// get all accounts from database

    public function replace(iResourceModel $resource) {
    	// update the account in the database

    public function replaceAll(Array $resources) {
    	// update all accounts in the database

    public function create(iResourceModel $resource) {
    	// create an account in the database

    public function delete($resourceId) {
    	// delete the account from the database

    public function deleteAll() {
    	// delete all accounts from the database


###Example resource model:

class Account implements iResourceModel {
	private $_name = 'foobar';

	public function __construct($name){
		$this->_name = $name;

    public function toArray(){
    	return array('name' => $this->_name);
	public function __get($property){
		// implement
	public function __set($property, $value){
		// implement
	public function __isset($property){
		// implement
