Pre-final year student @Vellore Institute of Technology. Interested in Data Science
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Predicting the relevance factor from given text i.e; reviews from famous Economic News csv related to US. We perform NLP techniques like stemming, tokenizing and get bag of words .Then finally applying CountVectorizer to transform a given text into a vector on the basis of the frequency of each word that occurs in the entire text.
Diabetes prediction is done using logistic regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest Classifier and SVM
In todays commercial world competition is high and every customer is valuable. Understanding the customer is of utmost importance, including being able to understand the behavior patterns of that customer. Customer Churn is the rate at which a commercial (very prevalent in SaaS platforms) customer leaves the commercial business and takes money
Wine Quality Prediction is done using the model logistics regression
Streamlit app link-
This project is about predicting the price of used cars based on various features such as the car's brand, model, year of manufacture, mileage, fuel type, and other relevant factors. The aim of this project is to build a machine learning model that can accurately predict the price of a used car based on these features.
I have successfully solved a good number of problems using Python. These solutions have been carefully crafted to provide efficient and effective answers according to my knowledge for the given problems. I strive to create clean and concise solutions that are easy to understand and implement.
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