
.NET bunq API client by Sycade

Primary LanguageC#


A .NET bunq API client written in C# by Sycade.


To use the .NET bunq API client, you just need an API key (created in the Bunq Android (Sandbox) or iOS app!


Get the package from nuget or clone the repository and build it yourself.


Create a new Installation and execute a payment

var rsaKeyPair = new RSACng(2048); // Generate a key pair or load one
var useSandbox = true;

var bunq = new BunqApiClient(rsaKeyPair, useSandbox);

// Link your API key to this IP address
var installation = await bunq.Installations.CreateAsync(rsaKeyPair);

var deviceServer = await bunq.DeviceServers.CreateAsync("your-api-key", "My First DeviceServer", installation.Token);
await bunq.Sessions.StartAsync("your-api-key", installation.Token);

// Get all bank accounts for the User
var accounts = (await bunq.MonetaryAccountBanks.GetAllAsync()).ToArray();

// Pay 25 euros from the first account to the second
var paymentId = await accounts[0].CreatePaymentAsync(accounts[1], new Amount(Currency.EUR, 25m), "My First Payment");

Reuse an existing installation

var rsaKeyPair = new RSACng(CngKey.Import(new byte[0], CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPrivateBlob)); // Load your private key here
var serverPublicKey = new RSACng(CngKey.Import(new byte[0], CngKeyBlobFormat.GenericPublicBlob)); // Load the server public key

var installationToken = new Token(File.ReadAllText("the-installation-token.txt")); // Load your installation token

var useSandbox = true;

var bunq = new BunqApiClient(rsaKeyPair, serverPublicKey, useSandbox);
await bunq.Sessions.StartAsync("your-api-key", installationToken);

// ... Use your session