
The Library Book Tracker is a simple SQL-based project for managing library data, including books, members, and borrow records. It demonstrates basic database operations such as creating tables, managing relationships, and querying data. A project that i am using for learning SQL or building a foundation for more complex systems

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Library Book Tracker

Project Description

This project is a simple SQL-based system to manage library data, including books, members, and borrow records. It demonstrates basic SQL operations such as creating tables, inserting data, and querying or updating records.

How to Use

  1. Run the scripts in schema/ to set up the database and insert sample data.
  2. Use the scripts in queries/ to fetch or modify data as needed.

Sample Data

The sample data included in this project (e.g., books, members, and borrow records) was generated using ChatGPT for demonstration purposes. Feel free to modify it to suit your requirements.

SQL Skills Demonstrated

  • Table creation
  • Foreign key relationships
  • Data insertion
  • SELECT, UPDATE, and JOIN queries