Nested Routes

Learning Goals

  • Create nested routes in React Router
  • Use URL parameters in React Router
  • Use the useRouteMatch and useParams hooks to access information React Router's internal state


In the previous lesson, we saw how to have routes conditionally render different components. However, as you may have noticed, each time we rendered one component, our previous component disappeared.

In this code-along, we'll look at how Routes can be written inside components that are themselves children of other Routes.

Master/Detail Pattern Without Routes

Have you ever used Apple's Messages app for your Mac? What about YouTube? These apps use some version of a "Master-Detail" interface: there is some piece of the interface that provides access to the entire resource which we can use to select specific items from. The resource might be a list of all messages, videos, or emails. Clicking on one will trigger a more detailed display of that specific item or action on another portion of the screen instead of displaying an entirely new page. With this design, a user can navigate through many items in a list, looking at item details without ever leaving the page they are on.

Consider how we might create this sort of design in regular React, without using Routes: we could create two sibling components, one for the 'master' list, and the other for the details of a specific item. We could call them List and Item. Then, we create one parent component for both that handles state. The parent component could keep track of all the list data and which particular item is currently selected, and pass down props to both components.

This would work, but there are limitations. One problem with this setup is that changing state won't change the URL, meaning there is no way to provide a link directly to one particular item from our list of resources.

Apps like YouTube display a list of videos, and clicking on any one video will load it, but every time you open a particular video, the URL changes. YouTube assigns unique values to each video (something like dQw4w9WgXcQ). When viewing that video, the value is listed as part of the URL. This value is a URL parameter and allows for convenient sharing and bookmarking.

We've seen already that we can use React Router to alter the URL of a React app. The challenge here though — how do we set up our Routes so that they can produce URLs with parameters that correspond to resources we want to display in our app?


So far, we've only seen Routes side by side, but that won't really work in this example. When a list item is clicked, we want to see the details of that item, but we still want the list to display.

Instead of listing two Routes side by side, with React Router, we can make the master-detail pattern by making our Item component the child of the List component.

Think of YouTube again for a moment. Let's pretend that visiting /videos displays a list of videos. Clicking on any video should keep our list of videos on the page, but also display details on the selected video. This should be updated in the URL — the URL should change to /videos/:videoId, where :videoId is a unique value (this is slightly different than how YouTube works but the concepts are similar).

Using React Router, we can write our application so one component, the List (of videos) renders using a Route that matches the path /videos. Then, within List, we nest a second Route that renders Item when the path matches /videos/:videoId.

Let's build this out!

Rendering Our List

To begin, let's take a look at our starter code. First, we have our App component. App has some dummy movie data provided in state for us (normally, we would likely be fetching this info).

const [movies, setMovies] = useState({
  1: { id: 1, title: "A River Runs Through It" },
  2: { id: 2, title: "Se7en" },
  3: { id: 3, title: "Inception" },

Our index.js file also has Router wrapping our App. All JSX wrapped within Router can use Routes, including the JSX from any child components. In our case, that is all of our components.

App has two Route elements:

  <Route path="/movies">
    <MoviesPage movies={movies} />
  <Route exact path="/">

Looking at the MoviesPage component, this component is responsible for loading our MoviesList component and passing in the movies we received from App.

// ./src/components/MoviesPage.js
import React from "react";
import { Route } from "react-router-dom";
import MoviesList from "./MoviesList";

function MoviesPage({ movies }) {
  return (
      <MoviesList movies={movies} />

export default MoviesPage;

At the moment, our MoviesPage component is purely presentational. It is simply the middle component between App and MoviesList, but we will come back to this component in a moment. Right now, if we try to run our React app, we get an error because MoviesList is not defined yet!

Let's create our MoviesList component to render a <Link> for each movie:

// ./src/components/MoviesList.js
import React from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

function MoviesList({ movies }) {
  const renderMovies = Object.keys(movies).map((movieID) => (
    <li key={movieID}>
      <Link to={`/movies/${movieID}`}>{movies[movieID].title}</Link>

  return <ul>{renderMovies}</ul>;

export default MoviesList;

The movies prop has been passed from App to MoviesPage, then again to MoviesList.

The movies prop is an object containing each movie. To iterate over this object, we'll use Object.keys(movies) to get an array of keys, then map over this array. Since the keys in the object are also the id values for each movie, the elements in .map() are referred to as movieID. We can use movieID directly in some of the attributes like key, but also use it to get information from the movies object, as we see with movies[movieID].title.

In the Link, we've also used interpolation to create a dynamic path in to:


Now, if we start up the app, we'll see that if a user goes to the /movies route, MoviesList will render a list of clickable router links. Clicking on one of the movie names will cause the URL to display that movie's id.

Linking to the Individual Movie Page

Right now, we're using a <Route> to display the MoviesPage component when the URL is /movies.

Next, we'll add in our first nested route within MoviesPage so that going to /movies/:movieId will display details about a given movie using a MovieShow component.

Before that, let's create our MovieShow component. Later on, we will see that this component will need to dynamically figure out which Movie it should render.

// ./src/components/MovieShow.js
import React from "react";

function MovieShow() {
  return (
      <h3>Movies Show Component!</h3>

export default MovieShow;

Next, we import MovieShow into MoviesPage and add a nested route in our src/components/MoviesPage.js file to display the MovieShow container if that route matches /movies/:movieId.

// .src/components/MoviesPage.js
import React from "react";
// import the custom `useRouteMatch` hook from React Router
import { Route, useRouteMatch } from "react-router-dom";
import MoviesList from "./MoviesList";
// import the MovieShow component
import MovieShow from "./MovieShow";

function MoviesPage({ movies }) {
  // useRouteMatch returns a special object with information about
  // the currently matched route
  const match = useRouteMatch();

  return (
      <MoviesList movies={movies} />
        we can use the current URL from the `match` object as part of the path,
        this will generate a url like "/movies/:movieId"
      <Route path={`${match.url}/:movieId`}>
        <MovieShow />

export default MoviesPage;

Above, we've imported our MovieShow component along with the useRouteMatch hook from React Router, and added a Route component.

Calling useRouteMatch() inside our component gives us an object that contains the current URL. Using match, we can show stuff depending on what the match.url returns. We do this because we want the Route inside MoviesPage to match the exact URL that caused MoviesPage to render, plus :movieId. :movieId represents a parameter. If we visit http://localhost:3000/movies/1, the movieId parameter would be "1".

Going briefly back to our MoviesList component, remember that when movies is mapped, our Links are each getting a unique path in the to={...} attribute, since each movieID is different.

// ./src/components/MoviesList.js
import React from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

function MoviesList({ movies }) {
  const renderMovies = Object.keys(movies).map((movieID) => (
    <li key={movieID}>
      <Link to={`/movies/${movieID}`}>{movies[movieID].title}</Link>

  return <ul>{renderMovies}</ul>;

export default MoviesList;

Refresh the page at /movies. Now, clicking a link changes the route, but we're not actually seeing any content about that movie on our MovieShow page. You should only see the text Movies Show Component! under the navigation and movie links.

Just as we saw with App, the data we want to display on a particular MovieShow page is available in its parent, MoviesPage, as props. For MovieShow to display this content, we will need to make our movies collection available within MovieShow.

// .src/components/MoviesPage.js
import React from "react";
import { Route, useRouteMatch } from "react-router-dom";
import MoviesList from "./MoviesList";
import MovieShow from "./MovieShow";

function MoviesPage({ movies }) {
  const match = useRouteMatch();

  return (
      <MoviesList movies={movies} />
      <Route path={`${match.url}/:movieId`}>
        {/* adding the movies object as a prop to MovieShow */}
        <MovieShow movies={movies} />

export default MoviesPage;

This isn't enough though — MovieShow now has all the movies, but it doesn't know which movie it should display. This information is only available from the URL. Remember — when we click a Link to a movie, it adds that movie's id to the URL as a parameter. We need to get that parameter out of the URL and into MovieShow.

Just like we can use the useRouteMatch hook to get information about the URL for the current route, we can also use another hook to get the dynamic params from the URL: the useParams hook!

// .src/components/MovieShow.js
import React from "react";
import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";

// Here we add `match` to the arguments so we can access the path information
// in `routerProps` that is passed from MoviesPage.js
function MovieShow({ movies }) {
  // call useParams to access the `params` from the url:
  // the dynamic portion of our /movies/:movieId path
  const params = useParams();

  return (
        And here we access the `movieId` stored in `params` to render 
        information about the selected movie

export default MovieShow;

Here, we've got our movies as an object in props. We've also got our params object which was returned from useParams based on the current URL. In this case, we only have the one parameter, movieId, which we defined in the <Route> in MoviesPage. Combining info from these two objects lets us access the specific movie whose key matches the movieId from the URL path, resulting in the correct movie title being displayed!

We've succeeded in creating a "Master-Detail" interface — the list of movies is always present when viewing a particular movie's details. Clicking through the links changes the URL. With this setup, users of this site could bookmark or share the URL for a specific movie!

What Happens If We Only Visit the First Route?

With our main task completed, let's take a quick step back and ask a question — what happens in this app when we visit http://localhost:3000/movies without a particular movieId parameter? Well, MoviesPage renders due to the top-level /movies Route, but MoviesPage will only render MoviesList. There is no default Route, so we don't see anything. If we want to create a default Route here, we can do so using the match from useRouteMatch() once again:

// .src/components/MoviesPage.js
import React from "react";
import { Route, useRouteMatch } from "react-router-dom";
import MoviesList from "./MoviesList";
import MovieShow from "./MovieShow";

function MoviesPage({ movies }) {
  const match = useRouteMatch();

  return (
      <MoviesList movies={movies} />

      {/* Adding code to show a message to the user to select a movie if they haven't yet */}
      <Route exact path={match.url}>
        <h3>Choose a movie from the list above</h3>

      <Route path={`${match.url}/:movieId`}>
        <MovieShow movies={movies} />

export default MoviesPage;

Now, when we visit http://localhost:3000/movies, we see a message that only appears if there is no additional movieId at the end of the URL. This is the nested version of a default route. We can't just write exact path="/" since these Routes will only render inside the /movies Route.


We are able to nest <Route> components within each other. Using the useRouteMatch hook, we can nest a second Route that extends the URL path of the first. We can actually nest Routes as many times as we would like, so if we wanted, we could go fully RESTful and create nested Routes inside MovieShow as well, allowing us to write URL paths that would look something like this:


To get nested <Route> components to work, we need to utilize route information from both the useRouteMatch and useParams hooks. We can access the current route from useRouteMatch. We define the parameter names in a Route's path by prepending a colon (:) to the front of the name. This name will then show up as a key inside params.

We can use parameters to look up specific data — in this case, matching the key of a movies object with the URL parameter, :movieId, allowed us to display a particular movie's title.

Nesting routes enables us to build single-page applications in React that behave like they have many pages. We can also load up and display specific data dynamically.

In the early days of the internet, we would have had to create separate HTML pages for each movie in this application. Now, with React, we can write abstract components that fill in the data for each 'page' on demand. Very cool!
