Recommender System based on User Data

This project is a recommender system based on user data. It analyzes user behavior and preferences to provide personalized recommendations. The system is built using Flask, a Python web framework, and utilizes a SQLite database for data storage. The project also includes user authentication and session management functionalities.


Python 3.x

Getting Started

Follow these steps to run the project after cloning it from GitHub:

Create a virtual environment

To ensure a clean and isolated development environment, it is recommended to set up a virtual environment. Follow the steps below to create and activate a virtual environment:

Install virtualenv (if not already installed) by opening your command prompt or terminal and running the following command:

pip install virtualenv

Choose a directory where you want to create the virtual environment. This could be your project directory or any other location.

Navigate to the chosen directory using the command prompt or terminal.

Create a new virtual environment by running the following command:

virtualenv <environment_name>

Replace <environment_name> with the desired name for your virtual environment.

Activate the virtual environment. The process differs depending on your operating system:

For Windows:


For macOS/Linux:

source <environment_name>/bin/activate

Once the virtual environment is activated, you will notice that the command prompt or terminal prompt changes to reflect the name of the virtual environment.

Now you have successfully created and activated the virtual environment. You can proceed with installing the project dependencies and running the code within this isolated environment.

Install the required dependencies:

pip install flask
pip install Flask SQLAlchemy

Start the Flask development server:



Home: The homepage of the application, displaying a test message.
View: Displays a list of registered users.
Login: Allows users to log in or create a new account.
User: Shows user details and allows users to update their email address.
Logout: Logs out the current user and clears the session.
IIT List: Displays a table of Colleges.
Individual College: Shows details of a specific IIT based on the provided ID.
Add College: Allows logged-in users to add a new college to the list.