
This repository contains the task completed by me during internship at The Spark Foundation.

Primary LanguagePHP


Basic Banking System :-

This Web app is a part of The Spark Foundation Graduate Rotational Internship Program (GRIP).

The requirements were as follows: ? Create a simple dynamic website which has the following specs. ? Start with creating dummy data in database for upto 10 users. Database options: Mysql, Mongo, Postgres, etc. User table will have basic fields such as name, email, current credit etc. Transfers table will record all transfers happened. ? Flow: Home Page > View all Users > Select and View one User > Transfer Credit > Select user to transfer to > View all Users. Credit is sort of points which can be transferred from one user to another user. ? No Login Page. No User Creation. Only transfer of credit between multiple users. ? Host the website at 000webhost, github.io, heroku app or any other free hosting provider. Check in code in gitlab.

The web app is hosted on 000webhost!!

The web app can also be run on localhost using XAMPP.

Website link- https://bascbnking-system.000webhostapp.com/