Task 1: NumPy and Pandas Tutorial

Welcome to the Task 1 repository! This repo contains tutorials and exercises designed to help you learn and practice NumPy and Pandas — two essential Python libraries for data manipulation and analysis.


This repository serves as a comprehensive guide to mastering NumPy and Pandas with a focus on their core functionalities, covering both basic and advanced topics. Each section includes explanations, code examples, and hands-on exercises to reinforce learning.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

Each tutorial and exercise is organized in the following way:

├── notebooks/             # Jupyter notebooks for NumPy and Pandas tutorials
├── exercises/             # Hands-on exercises for practice
├── data/                  # Sample datasets for analysis
├── README.md              # Project-specific documentation

Topics Covered

  1. NumPy Basics

    • Arrays: Creating, accessing, and modifying arrays
    • Operations: Arithmetic, statistical, and broadcasting operations
    • Indexing: Slicing, fancy indexing, and Boolean indexing
    • Linear Algebra: Matrix operations, determinants, and inverses
  2. Pandas Basics

    • DataFrames: Creating, reading, and writing DataFrames
    • Data Manipulation: Sorting, filtering, and aggregating data
    • Handling Missing Data: Dealing with NaN values
    • Merging, Joining, and Concatenating DataFrames
  3. Advanced Topics

    • NumPy: Performance optimization, memory management
    • Pandas: GroupBy, pivot tables, multi-indexing

Technologies Used

  • Programming Languages: Python
  • Libraries:
    • NumPy
    • Pandas
  • Tools: Jupyter Notebooks, Git, etc.

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/SyedSubhan12/Task1.git
    cd Task1
  2. Install required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the Jupyter notebooks:

    jupyter notebook
  4. Open the notebooks directory to start learning!


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, feel free to:

  • Open an issue for discussions.
  • Fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

This README provides an organized structure for your **Task 1: NumPy and Pandas Tutorial** repository. It includes sections for tutorials, exercises, and instructions for running the project!