
To identify citizens not having TIN. Search with entering the NID, app will tell weather the person is a TIN holder or not. Also tag with bank account.

Primary LanguageHTML

Tin checker .

This app is build with Django. Deployed on render cloud services. Live site link:https://django1-8a65.onrender.com/ Description: In the database there are three imaginary tables, one for all citizen and their NID. Second table citizen and their TIN. Third table contains citizen NID , bank name ,account no, balance. There is a search option on the search page. If user enter any NId and press search then it returns wheather the NID holder have a TIN or not. User can also find the Nid holders all bank accounts and balance.

This is just an example. I can intigrate real life data with this application. Python can handle millions of data.

Thanks to onrender.com