
AngularJS Task Managemnt with Parse

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • toolbox of concepts & well suited for large framework
  • uses handlebars to mesh with Ember code
  • Can recompile on the server
  • need to get certain standards conceptualized before writing code
    • for e.g. to create models, you have extend Ember model [very similar to Backbone]
Discourse.Post = Ember.Object.extend({
  liked: false

var post = Discourse.Post.create();


  • Has no learning curve. no concepts just straight up coding
  • gets messy at the end due to no standards
  • relies heavily on dirty checking
  • Follows MVC pattern
  • up and running in no time



  • Two way binding - index.html
  • Dirty checking - `index.html
  • Dependency Injection - controllers.html
  • Controllers - controllers.html
  • Models - controllers.html
  • Scope - scopes.html
    • Prototypical inheritance
  • Directives - directives.html
    • Compile
    • Link
  • Services
    • Data layer - services.html
    • Backend with Parse
    • End to end
  • Testing


  • Use angular-seed projects to start a project
  • Use ng-bind instead of {{}}. Otherwise when the HTML is loading, you might see {{}}
  • Use encapsulation. You will avoid scope headaches.
  • Put all server side access in Services
  • If you see repeating code, then move code to Services/Filter/Directives or even rootScope
  • Use event broadcasting to avoid coupling
  • Avoid at all costs doing html inside controllers, services. Do it in directives/filters