
A WearOS app to view photos from the Mars Rovers on your watch.

Primary LanguageKotlin

WearOS app to view Mars Rover photos

This is a WearOS app that displays random photos from the three Mars rovers Curiosity, Opportunity, and Spirit taken on the Mars in a WearOS tile.

This project uses the NASA API Mars Rover Photos.




The project is structured into two different main folders:

  • tile - contains all code to provide a tile, which displays the Mars images.
  • app - contains all code for networking, business logic and UI for the supporting WearOS app.

By default, a new image is loaded every 24 hours and the task is scheduled via Android WorkManager. The interval can be changed using the WearOS app, which uses Jetpack Compose with specific WearOS components.






Building & Contributing

The app can be built as is. The NASA API is accessed via a demo key, which is rate limited per IP address. You can get your own API key via their website and provide it in NetworkModule#provideApiKey.