
React + Node.js Currency Exchange Project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Node.js Currency


Node.js (v12)
PostgreSQL (v10)

Steps to run this project

  1. Run yarn command to install dependencies
  2. Copy ormconfig_template.json file to ormconfig.json (Use ormconfig_template_dev.json for development purposes)
  3. Setup database settings inside ormconfig.json file (Remember to have your database created)
  4. Copy src/config/config_template.ts file to src/config/config.ts
  5. Setup extra settings inside src/config/config.ts file
  6. Run Migrations (Add some Currencies, Countries and a Admin User)
  7. Enter in frontend folder (React)
  8. Run yarn command to install React dependencies
cp ormconfig_template.json ormconfig.json
nano ormconfig.json
cp src/config/config_template.ts src/config/config.ts
nano src/config/config.ts
yarn run migration:run
cd frontend

Run as Production

  1. Run ./build.sh (In root folder)
  2. If you get no errors, open your browser in http://localhost:8080
# Remember to use this orm config "ormconfig_template.json"

Run as Development

  1. Run yarn start in the root folter command to start Node.js backend
  2. Open another terminal and enter in folder frontend
  3. Run yarn start command to start React frontend
  4. If you get no errors, open your browser in http://localhost:3000
# Remember to use this orm config "ormconfig_template_dev.json"
yarn start
# In other terminal
cd frontend
yarn start

Testing Backend

  1. Build as production
  2. Run yarn test
# Remember to use this orm config "ormconfig_template.json"
yarn test