
Open Multi-Hypothesis Tracking

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Open Multi-Hypothesis Tracking


  1. Using Ubuntu package manager:

    $ sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev libboost-all-dev gnuplot gnuplot-qt pkg-config

  2. Obtain, build, and install Munkres Hungarian Assignment Algorithm:

    $ git clone https://github.com/saebyn/munkres-cpp.git

    Make change to /path/to/munkres-cpp/CMakeLists.txt: Add the following to line 27:


    $ mkdir build && cd build
    $ cmake .. $ make $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig

  3. Build openMHT:

    $ cd /path/to/openmht $ ./build.sh $ sudo ./build.sh install

    By default, this will only install a pkg-config file that points to your local git repository. This is necessary because openMHT is currently under heavy development.

  4. Copy the cmake file located at /path/to/openmht/cmake/Modules/Findopenmht.cmake to your /cmake/Modules path in your cmake project to find and use openMHT easily. You will need to include openmht_INCLUDE_DIRS and link to openmht_LIBRARIES.


    target_link_libraries( your_app_name ${openmht_LIBRARIES} )

  5. Look at the example in /path/to/openmht/share/multi-track-example/main.cpp for how to use the openMHT API. The important calls are:

    openmht::MHT mht; // start an instance of openMHT mht.set_dt(dt); // set the sensor update period (seconds).

    // Convert your measurement structure to openmht::Measurement openmht::Measurement m; m.set_position(Eigen::Vector2d(3.4,1.8);

    // Add the measurement to a list: std::listopenmht::Measurement m_list; m_list.push_back(m);

    // Process the list of measurements with MHT mht.process_measurements(m_list);

    // Get a list of the fused entities / contacts: std::listopenmht::Entity ents = mht.entities();

    // Each entity has a position() method that provides the // current estimated 2D position as an Eigen::Vector2d