This is a version of Mike de Boer's excellent node-github npm module, repackaged for Meteor.
You can use it in exactly the same way you would use the original package (example adapted from its GitHub page):
var GitHub = require("github");
var github = new GitHub({
version: "3.0.0", // required
timeout: 5000 // optional
user: "ndhoule"
}, function(err, res) {
Because Meteor follows a synchronous programming model, this package allows you to skip out on the callback if you prefer:
var result = github.user.getFollowingFromUser({
user: "ndhoule"
You can install this package through Atmosphere using
meteorite by running mrt add github
This is my first Meteor package; while there's not much to it, but I'm sure there's room for improvement. If you like it and want to help make it better, file an issue, submit a pull request, or drop me an email. Thanks!