Bubble API


The idea behind this app was meant to deal a problem that emerged during lockdown / shutdown within my bubble of friends. We wanted to keep track of a list of movies to watch together.

This API is meant to serve an app that allows people to search for movies, add them to the list to watch, add an anticipaton rate. At the end it will generate an optimized list to help select the next movie hoepfully everybody will be happy to watch together.


  • Django Rest Framework
  • PostgreSQL



  • create the .env file cp .env.example .env

  • read the .env file to see instruction to generate your SECRET_KEY

  • create the docker-compose.yml cp docker-compose.yml.example docker-compose.yml

  • $ docker-compose build

  • $ docker-compose up

  • connect to the bubble_api.web container $ docker exec -it bubble_api.web /bin/bash

  • Migrate the db python manage.py migrate

Open http://localhost:8000 in your browser to see the API