
Tutorial echo docker image

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echo docker tutorial image

This is a docker tutorial.
This image run a tiny container send an echo

I use tiny OS Busybox to this test. The image size is 2.5Mb

You could use this image following these steps :

docker pull  sylvainlasnier/echo
docker run --rm sylvainlasnier/echo Hello World!
Hello World!

You could also rebuild this image following these steps :

Edit Dockerfile file

FROM busybox
MAINTAINER I do it myself

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/echo"]

Build the image

docker build -t myecho .

Check the running image

docker images 
REPOSITORY               TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
myecho                     latest              4eceb31af65a        10 minutes ago      2.489 MB


docker run --rm myecho Hello World!
Hello World!

You are an docker expert!

Have fun and try my other docker images ^^