
Face and Eyes Recognition in Images and Videos

Primary LanguagePython


Computer Vision

First of all you should know the basic syntax of Python. To start with computer vision you need to have a basic knowledge about Deep Learning, neural neworks, CNN , RCNN , fast RCNN , faster RCNN.

Here are some resourses,

Deep learning, CNN (Startup)

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq2nnJ4g6N0&t=1546s

RCNN, fast RCNN, faster RCNN (Startup)

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6aEYuemt0M&t=238s  
[2] Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks by Shaoqing Ren, Kaiming He, Ross Girshick, and Jian Sun

Step1: Lets start with OpenCV for the neural networks. For this install OpenCV in Ubuntu. Refer to this documentation for installation : http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html

The repository contains an example of a neural network made with OpenCV called "RedEyeOpenCV" which 
-converts the img into gray scale, 
-splits and merge the image into BGR components, 
-puts boxes one eyes, puts text on the image, 
-save the given image in a different format eg.png.
Run it by typing "python RedEyes.py" on terminal.

The repository also contains a GUI made with opencv called "trackbar.py" that makes colours.
Run it by typing "python trackbar.py" on terminal.

Step2: Make a neural network that detect faces and eyes in images using opencv and haarcascades.

Find a folder named "Eyes and face Detection".
Run it by typing "python face.py" and "python eye_and_face_detection.py" respectively on terminal.

Step3: Start making GUI for neural networks. For this, use OpenCV along with 'Tkinter' which is a standard package in Python. Insure OpenCV is installed on Linux.

Repository contains 'Tkinter' named folder which contains files that demonstrates some features of tkinter.
-"camera.py" opens a videoa and contains a button through which you can capture any moment of the video and save.
-"askfile.py" contains GUI for file browse.
-"btton.py" is a GUI for button and pops a window on click.
Run the files by typing "python camera.py", "python askfile.py" and "python btton.py" respectively.

Step4: Make a network to detect faces in videos or webcam on live stream.

Face Detection in a video along with GUI is made and the faces are cropped and saved in a folder.
-Use OpenCV to read and perform various operations.
-Do 'Object Detection' using Haar feature-based cascade classifiers. Repository contains the cascade folder for eye and face detection.
-For GUI of the neural network, use Tkinter and OpenCV.

Repository contains Video-Face-Detection folder.
Run the files by typing "python gui.py" on terminal.