
This runs a python script which reads all the People in LDAP. Then it reads all the active slack users. If any active slack users aren't active in LDAP, it expires their sessions and deactivates them. (It skips guest accounts and bots)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

#Deactivate and expire sessions of users not active in your LDAP instance

##How to use with just docker.

  • docker build -t slack_ldap_sync .
  • docker run -it -e SLACK_MAX_DELETE_FAILSAFE="0.2"
    -e SLACK_TOKEN="xoxp-exampletokenfoobarbazqux"
    -e SLACK_SUBDOMAIN="https://team.slack.com"
    -e AD_URL="ldaps://ldap.example.com:636"
    -e AD_BASEDN="ou=people,DC=example,DC=com"
    -e AD_SEARCH_FILTER_FOR_ACTIVE_EMPLOYEES_ONLY='(&(uid=*)(employee_status=active))'
    -e AD_BINDDN="foo\user_name"
    -e AD_BINDPW="password"
    -e AD_SEARCHREQ_ATTRLIST='["mail", "active_employee_attribute=True"]'
    -e AD_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE="mail"

##How to use with docker/openshift

  • edit the source.example and set the variables how you want
  • oc new-project slack-ldap-sync
  • oc create secret generic slack-ldap-secrets --from-file=source.example
  • run ./deploy.sh to deploy to openshift