
The intuitive UI for IntelliMerge, where the developers can merge code and resolve conflicts.

Primary LanguageJava


The GUI client for developers to inspect resolved conflicts and manually resolve remained conflicts, after merging branches with IntelliMerge.


Light theme:


Dark theme:


As a User


  • Windows (Linux/macOS will be supported really soon)
  • Git ^2.18.0


  1. Download the binary software from the release page, for example, the exe file;

  2. Config the software as the mergetool of Git, there are two ways to do it:

  • Config with commands in terminal:
git config --global merge.tool intellimerge
git config --global mergetool.prompt false
git config --global mergetool.intellimerge.cmd '"[PATH]/IntelliMerge-UI.exe" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" -o "$MERGED"'
git config --global mergetool.intellimerge.trustexitcode true
  • Config by appending the following content at the end of ~/.gitconfig:
   tool = intellimerge
   conflictstyle = diff3
 [mergetool "intellimerge"]
   path = [PATH]/IntelliMerge-UI.exe
   cmd =  [PATH]/IntelliMerge-UI.exe "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" -o "$MERGED"
   trustExitCode = false

Replace the [PATH] with the full path of the downloade binary software.

  1. Under a Git repo with merge conflicts, run the following command in terminal:
git mergetool

As a Developer


  • Windows/Linux/macOS
  • Git ^2.18.0
  • Node.js ^v10.16.0
  • Yarn ~v1.16.0
  • Vue-cli ~v3.8.4


  1. Run the following command under the root directory of the cloned repo to install dependencies:
  1. Compiles and hot-reloads for development:
yarn run electron:serve
  1. [OR] Build the executable for production:
yarn run electron:build
  1. Write your code now!

Lints and fixes files

yarn run lint