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By Fabien Potencier
github @fabpot
twitter @fabpot

Diving deep into Twig

Developers are able to modify the behavior and possibilities of Twig (the PHP templating engine by Fabien Potencier) in many ways, ranging from very easy to very tough. It all starts with simply registering your extension, but from then on you can choose to create your own filters, functions and tests. I will quickly review your options, and show some best practices. After discussing these basic modifications, we'll take a look at creating token parsers and thinking up custom node types, which will enable you to define your own tags (the things between {% %}). I will demonstrate the inner workings of Twig: from the loader, to the lexer, to the parser, to your own token parser, to creating nodes, filtering nodes using a node visitor and finally to the compiler, which transforms all nodes to plain old PHP.


By Matthias Noback
github @matthiasnoback
twitter @matthiasnoback

How to automatize your infrastructure with Chef

Why do I need to automatize my infrastructure ? Why do I need to automatize my deployment ? How can I do that ? Today, It's really a need to automatize everything. It avoids human errors. It let focus you on business value. Not the ops details. It makes you confident in your process, production server... At SensioLabs we use Chef a lot and as a developer (which do a lot of ops too ;) ), I want to share my experience with you.


By Grégoire Pineau
github @lyrixx
twitter @lyrixx

Build Awesome REST APIs With Symfony2

Based on concrete examples, you will learn how to build a REST API using Symfony2 and many third-party libraries in an efficient manner. We will dive into each layer including routing, controllers, serialization, versioning, testing, the security layer and even the documentation (this list is not exhaustive). Overall, this talk describes the state of REST in the Symfony2 world.


By Lukas Kahwe Smith
github @lsmith77
twitter @lsmith

And William Durand
github @willdurand
twitter @couac

Simplify your code with annotations

In Symfony 2 it is natural to use annotations: routers, templates, security or object converters but - like in each part of this framework – users can define their own annotations. And it may become a really powerful tool if only a programmer is able to comprehend the idea of cutting code with help of annotations. Excluding most recurrent parts of code out of the methods keeps the most important business logic better separated. The presentation is a summary of framework’s possibilities to maintain code clear and more readable by using annotations. At the beginning the listeners will be briefed on pre-built and predefined annotations in Symfony 2, then introduced to the process of creating own annotations and finally some examples of annotations usage will be presented.


By Piotr Pasich
github @piotrpasich
twitter @piotrpasich

Increase productivity with Doctrine2 extensions

The general talk will be about using extensions for symfony2 and doctrine2 to increase productivity and simplify daily tasks. This talk will mainly introduce the best features of extensions.


By Gediminas Morkevicius
github @l3pp4rd
twitter @l3pp4rd

Symfony2 Content Management in 40 minutes

The Symfony Content Management Framework provides a couple of bundles to quickly add content management to your Symfony2 projects. It provides common features like editable menus, route and content. The CMF 1.0 has been released in september, ready to be used productive. I will show you how to start using the CMF in a project and also show advanced features like the transparent multilanguage handling.


By David Buchmann
github @dbu
twitter @dbu

Pitching Symfony to your Client

Funny Garbage is based in NYC and has built some of the most well sites and apps in the industry. Among them include sites that are many that are powered by Symfony framework; Among them are USmagazine.com, StarTrek.com, SVA.edu, among other large and small projects. This will be a discussion on tips and guides on the art of pitching Symfony as the right technology to build your clients' platform. John La is the Director of Technology at Funny Garbage.


By John La
github @johnla
twitter @johnla

How Kris Writes Symfony Apps

You’ve seen Kris’ open source libraries, but how does he tackle coding out an application? Walk through green fields with a Symfony expert as he takes his latest “next big thing” idea from the first line of code to a functional prototype. Learn design patterns and principles to guide your way in organizing your own code and take home some practical examples to kickstart your next project.


By Kris Wallsmith
github @kriswallsmith
twitter @kriswallsmith

Cool like Frontend Developer: Grunt, RequireJS, Bower and other Tools

Bower, Grunt, and RequireJS are just a few tools that have been re-shaping the frontend development world, replacing cluttered script tags and server-side build solutions with a sophisticated, but sometimes complex approach to dependency management and module loading. In this talk, we'll put on our trendy frontend developer hat and find out how these tools work and how they differ from what we might be used to. Most important, we'll see how using tools like this might look in Symfony2 and how our application can be a friendly place for a frontend guy/gal.


By Ryan Weaver
github @weaverryan
twitter @weaverryan

Community Building with Mentoring: What makes people crazy happy to work on an open source project?

One of the more daunting things we encounter in open source development is getting enough people to regularly contribute. To be sustainable, we need to encourage new contributors to participate. To that end, we seek to engage new contributors and experienced developers alike to participate in mentoring. Mentoring provides participants with direction and encouragement to help them find their way. This session is for anyone who would like to learn more about the Drupal mentoring program, mentoring in open source in general, how to mentor new contributors, or how to organize their own sprints. We will cover tools available to mentors, documentation, and practical techniques for mentoring newcomers. We will include strategies for how to: * Make sure people feel welcome * Match tasks to participants * Keep people engaged even when they struggle * Help without being overbearing * Answer questions even if you do not know the answer * Enable folks to continue afterward on their own.


By Cathy Theys
github @YesCT
twitter @YesCT

Symfony2 Forms: Past, Present, Future

The Symfony2 Form component is a critical part for many Symfony2 applications. As such, we have been constantly improving the component to handle the many different use cases of our users and to lower the barrier to entry for newcomers. As seasoned Symfony2 developer, all these changes can be sometimes hard to track. What about backwards compatibility? Will your business-critical applications break? And the questions don't stop there. How can you get up to scratch with the latest best practices? What can you expect from future versions? And how can you get involved to help things move faster? I will try to answer these and many other questions in my talk.


By Bernhard Schussek
github @webmozart
twitter @webmozart

Async PHP with React

This session will introduce event-driven programming using the React PHP library. Combined with non-blocking IO streams, event-driven programing is ideal for tasks such as client/server applications and asynchronous libraries. Akin to Node.js or Python's Twisted, React makes this possible in PHP by providing all the necessary pieces in a well-packaged framework. This session will introduce the concept of event loops and async programming in PHP, and explore ways it can serve in your technology stack.


By Jeremy Mikola
github @jmikola
twitter @jmikola

Drop ACE, use voters

I would like to explain how you can do the same with role voters as with ACE and in a much easier way. 1/ ACE and how it works 2/ Role voters and how they work 3/ How much easier it is with voters


By Marie Minasyan
github @MarieMinasyan
twitter @marie_minassyan

The Proxy pattern in PHP

What is an Object Proxy? This talk explains how virtual proxies, ghost objects and generally "fake" objects can actually help improving the performance and memory impact of your applications while reducing complexity! I will show some practical examples of usage of proxies, their advantages and disadvantages, and even suggest you how to make your PHP more awesome with bleeding-edge technologies such as ProxyManager integrated with Symfony\DependencyInjection or Zend\ServiceManager.


By Marco Pivetta
github @Ocramius
twitter @Ocramius

Mastering the Security component's authentication mechanism

The Security component is hard to tackle for most Symfony developers because it introduces lots of concepts to handle all possible use cases. Some of these use cases or concepts are not essential. The idea behind this presentation will be to focus only on authentication core concepts: Firewall, AuthenticationListener, EntryPoint, AuthenticationProvider.


By Joseph Rouff
github @rouffj
twitter @rouffj

Symfony components in the wild

Symfony is a full-stack framework built on top of reusable components. Since those components are decoupled, they’re also successfully used with many open source projects, custom-built applications, other frameworks or even legacy applications needing an injection of up-to-date technology. The talk is an introduction to several Symfony components. It shows how easy it is to use them alone, integrated into a custom project and how components are used with existing open source applications. The talk will be interactive, as the audience will get to choose which components they want to hear about.


By Jakub Zalas
github @jakzal
twitter @jakub_zalas

Taming Runaway Silex Apps

If you've used Silex before, you probably know it quickly becomes the little engine that could. You start off with one file and a handful of routes, before you know it, your application is a success and you've got dozens of routes, just as many services, as well as a fair few middlewares, event listeners and error handlers. Silex is more of a library than a framework, it simply ties together a http abstraction and a routing system, on top of a tiny little dependency injection container. It doesn't prescribe any particular directory structure or make any kind of decisions for you. When your Silex app grows, maybe it's about time you made a few decisions. In this talk we'll run through a really quick introduction to Silex, before discussing some organised approaches to managing the growth of your Silex application. There is no "one true method" for organising a Silex application, hopefully after this talk you'll have enough options to carve out your own method.


By Dave Marshall
github @davedevelopment
twitter @davedevelopment

Application monitoring with Heka and statsd

Web applications are getting more and more complex and it is hard to keep an overview of your entire system. With the right tools we can get the relevant information out. This helps spot new problems when they occur, review application performance over time, visualize user behavior, and more. In this session we will look at packagist.org as a case study for monitoring, and see how we can improve reporting in various places to achieve better reliability of the service.


By Jordi Boggiano
github @Seldaek
twitter @seldaek

Decouple your application with (Domain-)Events

Symfony2 applications are not immune to tight coupling, which effectivly prevents maintainable and testable code. In this session we will take a look at using different event patterns for decoupling Symfony applications. The domain event pattern is introduced as a robust alternative to using the Symfony or Doctrine Event-Dispatchers directly in your controllers and services.


By Benjamin Eberlei
github @beberlei
twitter @beberlei

How to build Console Applications

In some cases you feel the need to have some specific command-line commands for deployment, testing some code or do any other specific task and you usually use shell script to do it. Why not use Symfony2 Console component? You can easily build your own commands and interact with other bundles/components. The Symfony2 Console component is a tool that gives you to build in a simple and easy way console applications. This talk will focus on how you can simple build an Console applications and how you can interact with other bundles/components.


By Daniel Gomes
github @_dcsg
twitter @dcsg