Lifts Facebook's React library into Scala.js and endeavours to make it as type-safe and Scala-friendly as possible.
Provides (opt-in) support for pure functional programming, with additional modules for Scalaz, Cats, and Monocle (scalaz or cats based monocle).
Comes with utility modules extra
and test
, helpful for React in Scala(.js), rather than React in JS.
Includes a router, testing utils, performance utils, more.
- Usage & Getting Started
- Delving deeper
- Scala-only Utilities
- Testing
- Live Examples & Demos
- ScalaDoc: core | extra | scalaz72 | monocle | monocle-cats | cats | test
- Changelogs — v1.7.5 (Latest)
Tutorials / Blogs
- test-state - Integration/Functional/Property testing for scalajs-react.
- scalajs-benchmark
- chandu0101 / scalajs-react-components
- payalabs / scalajs-react-bridge - Boilerplate free use of JS components
- payalabs / scalajs-react-mdl - (Material Design Lite components)
- cquiroz / scalajs-react-virtualized - Facade for react-virtualized
- cquiroz / scalajs-react-clipboard - Facade for react-copy-to-clipboard
- kinoplan / scalajs-react-material-ui - Material-UI components (+ Full Demo)
- diode - library for managing application state, influenced by Flux and Elm
Open Source Projects, which are using scalajs-react
- Mr. Boilerplate - good example of how to properly manage state in scalajs-react
- scala-weather-app - Yet another weather application, based on Scala.js, scalajs-react and Playframework
- scalafiddle-editor - Web user interface for ScalaFiddle
- scastie - An interactive playground for Scala
- React ≥ 16
- Scala ≥ 2.12
- Scala.JS ≥ 0.6.31
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