FEW 2.1

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A @mitchell #few-2-1-js-libs make.sc/few2.1 Virtual Office

Course Description

This course focuses on creating and publishing frontend libraries in JavaScript. Students will learn JavaScript testing, functional programming, module patterns, and basic build systems through creating and publishing NPM libraries. Unit testing is introduced and applied. The course emphasizes problem abstraction and writing code that solves general problems.

Who should take this class?

This class will give opportunity to practice JavaScript, writing unit tests, learn how npm works and continuous integration work.

Take this class if you want to further your understanding of the JavaScript language and surrounding ecosystem.


FEW 1.2

Course Specifics

Course Delivery: online | 7 weeks | 14 sessions

Course Credits: 3 units | 37.5 Seat Hours | 75 Total Hours

Learning Outcomes

Students by the end of the course will be able to ...

  1. Write Unit Tests in JavaScript
  2. Build a JavaScript libraries and publish them to NPM
  3. Write functions using JavaScript to solve a variety of software problems
  4. Implement best practices for delevoping and shipping code
  5. Use continuous integration in development workflow


Course Dates: Monday, March 29 – Wednesday, May 12, 2021 (7 weeks)

Class Times: Monday and Wednesday at 2:45 PM - 5:30 PM (13 class sessions)


Class Date Topics Assignment Asignment Due
1 Mon, Mar 29 Lesson 1 - Solving string problems String Lib -
- Wed, Mar 31 No Class - Cesar Chavez -
2 Mon, Apr 5 Lesson 2 - Publishing to npm Publish to npm -
3 Wed, Apr 7 Lesson 3 - Unit testing Add Unit Tests String Lib - GradeScope
4 Mon, Apr 12 Lesson 4 - Working with Dates Date Lib -
5 Wed, Apr 14 Lesson 5 - Solving problems with Dates - -
6 Mon, Apr 19 Lesson 6 - Async JS API Lib Date Lib - GradeScope
7 Wed, Apr 21 Lesson 7 - Lab Work on API project -
8 Mon, Apr 26 Lesson 8 - Continuous Integration Continuous Integration API Lib - GradeScope
9 Wed, Apr 28 Lesson 9 - Bundling Code Bundling code for distribution - Final Project Continuous Integration
10 Mon, May 3 Lesson 10 - Typescript Intro - Bundling code for distribution
11 Wed, May 5 Lesson 11 - Typescript - -
12 Mon, May 10 Lesson 12 - Final Presentation - -
13 Wed, May 12 Lesson 13 - Final Assesment Final Assessment -


  • String Library
  • Date Library
  • API Library
  • Continuous Integration


To pass this course you must meet the following requirements:

  • Achieve a passing score according to the rubric on each of the projects listed above.

Information Resources

Any additional resources you may need (online books, etc.) can be found here. You can also find additional resources through the library linked below:

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