
nmap-scrap is an HTTP exploration utility based on Nmap XML outputs. This tool aims to address discovering issues when dealing with large scopes by parsing Nmap XML outputs and extracting only required information.

Primary LanguagePython


nmap-scrap is an HTTP exploration utility based on Nmap XML outputs. This tool aims to address discovering issues when dealing with large scopes by parsing Nmap XML outputs and extracting only required information.


Python dependencies

Please not at the time of writing this file, a feature only available on python-requests upstream was required but not provided with pypy bundled version.

pip install -r requirements.txt




First, perform a basic network scan and save output in XML format:

$ nmap -oX google.fr.xml google.fr

HTTP scraping

$ ./nmap-scrap http google.fr.xml 
[*] Parsing file /tmp/google.fr.xml
[*] Found 6 http services
[!] Launching 20 threads
[=======================] 100%
HTTP 404

  * http://par21s05-in-f131.1e100.net/ (1557 bytes)

HTTP 301

  * http://google.fr/ => http://www.google.fr/ (218 bytes)
  * => http://www.google.com/ (219 bytes)

nmap-scrap provides some nice options for saving output and taking screenshots:

$ ./nmap-scrap http -h
usage: Nmap helper http [-h] [--start START] [--screen] [--save]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --start START  The start HTTP page
  --screen       Takes a screenshot of each http service
  --save         Persistent output

Listing hosts exposing a specific service

Pentesters usually want to automate some basic tasks like authentication requests on specific services. Having a list of hosts exposing the wanted service (.e.g port 22 or 445) is made easy with nmap-scrap:

$ ./nmap-scrap port -p 80 -s open google.fr.xml