
Scripts and Utilities to improve win10 (damm microsoft!)

Primary LanguagePowerShell


EDIT: This causes issues in build 1803 or newer , we will fix later

This project is made to improve and fix many issues in Windows 10(Bloatware;Telemetry;Privacy;DefaultApps)

so we can have a stable and simple system like windows 7 There is no undo

How to use

  1. Edit the scripts to fit your need.(remember there is no Undo!)

  2. Hit WindowsKey type PowerShell -> rightMouse button -> open as Administrator

  3. go to scripts folder -> right mouse button -> properties -> copy the local path In Powershell type -> cd C:\Users\YOURNAME\Downloads\Win10-Purge-master\scripts

  4. Execution Open PowerShell(inside the scripts folder) :

    Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser Unrestricted ls -Recurse *.ps1 | Unblock-File ls -Recurse *.psm1 | Unblock-File

  5. Now you can run the scripts with ./ example: ./defaultApps (no backsticks)

  6. Enjoy! Share your improvements!


This is a rework project from https://github.com/W4RH4WK/Debloat-Windows-10/ Thank you!