This example describes how to merge the cells based on its content and value of a specific column in WinUI DataGrid.
WinUI DataGrid (SfDataGrid) allows to merge the cells based on the content and value of a specific column in the same row by customizing the GetRange method and QueryCoveredRange event in DataGrid.
this.sfDataGrid.ItemsSourceChanged += OnItemsSourceChanged;
this.sfDataGrid.QueryCoveredRange += OnQueryCoveredRange;
/// <summary>
/// Reflector for SfDataGrid’s data.
/// </summary>
IPropertyAccessProvider reflector = null;
/// <summary>
/// ItemsSourceChanged event handler.
/// </summary>
private void OnItemsSourceChanged(object sender, GridItemsSourceChangedEventArgs e)
if (sfDataGrid.View != null)
reflector = sfDataGrid.View.GetPropertyAccessProvider();
reflector = null;
/// <summary>
/// QueryCoveredRange event handler
/// </summary>
private void OnQueryCoveredRange(object sender, GridQueryCoveredRangeEventArgs e)
CoveredCellInfo range = null;
////here apply merge the cell based on Columns
if (e.GridColumn.MappingName == "Product" || e.GridColumn.MappingName == "Country" )
range = GetRange(e.GridColumn, e.RowColumnIndex.RowIndex, e.RowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex, e.Record);
if (range == null)
// You can know that the range is already exist in Covered Cells by IsInRange method.
if (!sfDataGrid.CoveredCells.IsInRange(range))
e.Range = range;
e.Handled = true;
//If the calculated range is already exist in CoveredCells, you can get the range using SfDataGrid.GetConflictRange (CoveredCellInfo coveredCellInfo) extension method.
/// <summary>
/// Method to get the covered range based on cell value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="column"></param>
/// <param name="rowIndex"></param>
/// <param name="columnIndex"></param>
/// <param name="rowData"></param>
/// <returns> Compares the adjacent cell value and returns the range </returns>
/// <remark> If the method find that the adjacent values are equal by horizontal then it will merge vertically. And vice versa</remarks>
private CoveredCellInfo GetRange(GridColumn column, int rowIndex, int columnIndex, object rowData)
var range = new CoveredCellInfo(columnIndex, columnIndex, rowIndex, rowIndex);
object data = reflector.GetFormattedValue(rowData, column.MappingName);
//here get the Product value for checking other cell value
string productData = (rowData as ProductSalesDetails).Product;
GridColumn leftColumn = null;
GridColumn rightColumn = null;
// total rows count.
int recordsCount = this.sfDataGrid.GroupColumnDescriptions.Count != 0 ?
(this.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements.Count + this.sfDataGrid.TableSummaryRows.Count + this.sfDataGrid.UnboundRows.Count + (this.sfDataGrid.AddNewRowPosition == AddNewRowPosition.Top ? +1 : 0)) :
(this.sfDataGrid.View.Records.Count + this.sfDataGrid.TableSummaryRows.Count + this.sfDataGrid.UnboundRows.Count + (this.sfDataGrid.AddNewRowPosition == AddNewRowPosition.Top ? +1 : 0));
// Merge Horizontally
// compare right column
for (int i = sfDataGrid.Columns.IndexOf(column); i < this.sfDataGrid.Columns.Count - 1; i++)
var compareData = reflector.GetFormattedValue(rowData, sfDataGrid.Columns[i + 1].MappingName);
if (compareData == null)
if (!compareData.Equals(data))
rightColumn = sfDataGrid.Columns[i + 1];
// compare left column.
for (int i = sfDataGrid.Columns.IndexOf(column); i > 0; i--)
var compareData = reflector.GetFormattedValue(rowData, sfDataGrid.Columns[i - 1].MappingName);
if (compareData == null)
if (!compareData.Equals(data))
leftColumn = sfDataGrid.Columns[i - 1];
if (leftColumn != null || rightColumn != null)
// set left index
if (leftColumn != null)
var leftColumnIndex = this.sfDataGrid.ResolveToScrollColumnIndex(this.sfDataGrid.Columns.IndexOf(leftColumn));
range = new CoveredCellInfo(leftColumnIndex, range.Right, range.Top, range.Bottom);
// set right index
if (rightColumn != null)
var rightColumnIndex = this.sfDataGrid.ResolveToScrollColumnIndex(this.sfDataGrid.Columns.IndexOf(rightColumn));
range = new CoveredCellInfo(range.Left, rightColumnIndex, range.Top, range.Bottom);
return range;
// Merge Vertically from the row index.
int previousRowIndex = -1;
int nextRowIndex = -1;
object previousData = null;
// Get previous row data.
var startIndex = sfDataGrid.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition();
for (int i = rowIndex - 1; i >= startIndex; i--)
var recordIndex = this.sfDataGrid.ResolveToRecordIndex(i);
if (this.sfDataGrid.View.GroupDescriptions.Count > 0)
previousData = this.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements[recordIndex];
var recordCount = this.sfDataGrid.View.Records.Count;
previousData = (recordCount > 0 && recordIndex >= 0 && recordIndex < recordCount)
? sfDataGrid.View.Records[recordIndex]
: null;
if (previousData == null || !(previousData as NodeEntry).IsRecords)
var compareData = reflector.GetFormattedValue((previousData as RecordEntry).Data, column.MappingName);
//get the previous row data value of Product
string productPreviousData = ((previousData as RecordEntry).Data as ProductSalesDetails).Product;
if (compareData == null)
if (!compareData.Equals(data))
//here check the value
if (!productData.Equals(productPreviousData))
previousRowIndex = i;
// get next row data.
object nextData = null;
for (int i = rowIndex + 1; i < recordsCount + 1; i++)
var recordIndex = this.sfDataGrid.ResolveToRecordIndex(i);
if (this.sfDataGrid.View.GroupDescriptions.Count > 0)
nextData = this.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements[recordIndex];
var recordCount = this.sfDataGrid.View.Records.Count;
nextData = (recordCount > 0 && recordIndex >= 0 && recordIndex < recordCount)
? sfDataGrid.View.Records[recordIndex]
: null;
if (nextData == null || !(nextData as NodeEntry).IsRecords)
var compareData = reflector.GetFormattedValue((nextData as RecordEntry).Data, column.MappingName);
//get the next row data value of Product
string productNextData = ((nextData as RecordEntry).Data as ProductSalesDetails).Product;
if (compareData == null)
if (!compareData.Equals(data))
//here check the value
if (!productData.Equals(productNextData))
nextRowIndex = i;
if (previousRowIndex != -1 || nextRowIndex != -1)
if (previousRowIndex != -1)
range = new CoveredCellInfo(range.Left, range.Right, previousRowIndex, range.Bottom);
if (nextRowIndex != -1)
range = new CoveredCellInfo(range.Left, range.Right, range.Top, nextRowIndex);
return range;
return null;
The following screenshot shows the merged cells in DataGrid,
Take a moment to peruse the WinUI DataGrid - Merge Cells documentation, where you can find about merge Cells with code examples.
Visual Studio 2019 and above versions