
This repository contains sample on Event to Command Behavior in the Syncfusion Xamarin.Forms SegmentedControl (SfSegmentedControl) control?

Primary LanguageC#

Creating a project

Create a new BlankApp (Xamarin.Forms.Portable) application in Visual Studio for Xamarin.Forms.

Adding SfSegmentedControl in Xamarin.Forms

Add the required assembly references to the PCL and renderer projects as discussed in the Assembly deployment section.

Import the control namespace as shown in the following code.



Set the control to content in ContentPage.


    <buttons:SfSegmentedControl  />

Dealing with selection changed in Xamarin Segmented Control

The selection changed event occurs when there is a change from one segment item to another in the segmented control. It can be handled by two ways.

User interface

When users navigate from one item to another, selection is changed, so that the SelectedIndex value is updated to the new index of the item. The segmented control provides the SelectionChanged event, which is triggered when the selection is changed with the SelectionChangedEventArgs.

Index - Gets the current index value of the selected item.


<buttons:SfSegmentedControl x:Name = "segmentedControl" SelectionChanged="Handle_SelectionChanged"/>

Selected Index through programmatically.

Users can set the default value programmatically for the selection to be placed. The selection is updated based on the index value given for the SelectedIndex.


<buttons:SfSegmentedControl SelectedIndex="2"/>

Event to command

The SegmentedControl event can be converted into commands using Behaviors. To achieve this, create a command in the ViewModel class and use Behaviors to associate it to the SegmentedControl event.


            SelectionTextColor= "White"
            ItemsSource="{Binding ItemCollection,Mode=TwoWay}">
        <local:EventToCommandBehavior Command="{Binding SelectionChangedCommand}" EventName="SelectionChanged"/>

How to run this application?

To run this application, you need to first clone the xamarin.forms-segmentedcontrol-with-event-to-command-behavior repository and then open it in Visual Studio 2022. Now, simply build and run your project to view the output.


Path too long exception

If you are facing path too long exception when building this example project, close Visual Studio and rename the repository to short and build the project.


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