Auto_ML_C 0.0.12
这是崔连山和小伙伴们的机器学习拓展包,代有浓厚的社会主义开源分享精神,极富创造力和战斗力。在这里让我们为他们鼓掌 🥂
This is a machine learning expansion package for Cui Lianshan and his friends. It has a strong socialist open source sharing spirit, and is extremely creative and combat effective. Let us applaud them here 🥂
测试集数据位置 Test set data location :{Example}
The configuration is as follows:
Windows | Windows | MacOS | Linux | |
型号 | i7-9750H | i7-9750H | M1 | E5-2640 V4 |
核心 | 6核心12线程 | 6核心12线程 | 8核心 | 20核心40线程 |
频率 | 2.67GHz | 3.2GHz | 2.40GHz |
Unwrapped function | Windows1 | Windows2 | MacOS | Linux |
ALL_FUNCTION | 47.364 | 43.681 | 34.013 | ==27.282== |
binary_ROC() | 45.809 | 42.964 | 32.751 | ==32.143== |
auto_model() | 53.498 | 48.649 | ==38.267== | 40.794 |
estimator_violion() | 1.191 | ==1.021== | 1.678 | 2.395 |
The running speed comparison results are as follows:
Wrapper function | Windows1 | Windows2 | MacOS | Linux |
binary_ROC() | 46.2 s | 43.2 s | CPU times: user 4.82 s, sys: 365 ms, total: 5.18 s Wall time: ==32.9s== | CPU times: user 9.59 s, sys: 3.89 s, total: 13.5 s Wall time: 33.3 s |
auto_model() | 50.4 s | 47.1 s | CPU times: user 9.75 s, sys: 247 ms, total: 10 s Wall time: ==38.1 s== | CPU times: user 15.1 s, sys: 1.68 s, total: 16.8 s Wall time: 41.1 s |
estimator_violion() | 1.16 s | Wall time: ==1.01 s== | CPU times: user 2.02 s, sys: 70.1 ms, total: 2.09 s Wall time: 1.69 s | CPU times: user 3.85 s, sys: 2.32 s, total: 6.17 s Wall time: 2.23 s |
You can refer to learning the environment backup in the current directory: Auto_ML_C.yaml
Package | Minimum version-to be tested |
python=3.8.10 | |
seaborn=0.11.2 | |
pandas=1.3.3 | |
matplotlib=3.4.2 | |
numpy=1.20.3 |
该包是基于Sklearn,imblance等机器学习拓展包之上的Package,共计划分为两个部分, This package is based on Sklearn, imblance and other machine learning expansion packages. It is planned to be divided into two parts.
Classification task
The internal available functions are as follows 内部可用函数如下
函数名 功能 返回值 cal_add_1(num1,num2):wave: 简单的欢迎函数 num1,num2 LogisticRegressionCV_mdoel(X, Y,cv) SGDClassifier_model(X,Y,cv) LinearDiscriminantAnalysis_model(X, Y,cv) LinearSVC_model(X, Y,cv) SVC_model(X, Y,cv) DecisionTreeClassifier_model(X,Y,cv) AdaBoostClassifier_model(X,Y,cv) BaggingClassifier_model(X, Y,cv) GradientBoostingClassifier_model(X, Y,cv) RandomForestClassifier_model(X, Y,cv) KNeighborsClassifier_model(X, Y,cv) BernoulliNB_model(X, Y,cv) GaussianNB_model(X,Y,cv) 下面是总函数 binary_ROC(X,Y,k,fig_name) Plot the best ROC under scalar hyperparameter search fig auto_model(X, Y, k)Model's scalar hyperparameter search results Auc_data, Acc_data,
Recall_data, Precision_dataestimator_violion(df1,df2,fig_name) Draw a violin chart for the Dataframe of the auto_model result fig -
Multi-class function
Feature selection function Feature_struction
Function Function return value data_enhance_show(X,Y[["Taste_num"]],location,kind="SMOTE") 多种可视化方法进行降维可视化待增强数据
A variety of visualization methods to reduce dimensionality to visualize the data to be enhancedDeduplicate DataFrame data_enhance(X.iloc[:,:-1],Y[["Taste_num"]]) 采用多指标评价不同增强方法后的结果
Using multiple indicators to evaluate the results of different enhancement methodsRating DataFrame data_enhance_compare(tmp1,location,name) 可视化函数2的返回结果
Visualize the return result of function 2图片 Fig -
超参数优化的进度条版本!!!! 下次一定系列! Super parameter optimization progress bar display function! ! ! ! Update focus of the next version
# Method 1
# Create a new environment, here is conda as an example
conda create --name Auto_ML_C python=3.8.10
# Activate the newly created environment
conda activate Auto_ML_C
# Installation package
pip install Auto_ML_C==0.0.11
pip install imblearn
# Suggest the pipeline of Jupyter notebook [optional, recommended]
conda install jupyter notebook
conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name Auto_ML_C --display-name "Auto_ML_C"
# Install Sklearn 0.6. this will fixed next version
conda install -c conda-forge sklearn-contrib-lightning
# Method2
# Use the yaml environment file on the GitHub homepage to directly copy the current environment
conda env create -n Auto_ML_C -f Auto_ML_C.yaml
# Activate the newly created environment
conda activate
# Suggest the pipeline of Jupyter notebook [optional, recommended]
conda install jupyter notebook
conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name Auto_ML_C --display-name "Auto_ML_C"
import auto_ml_c.Feature_structure as fs
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("1_23肽全部的构效数据.csv")
X = df.iloc[:,2:]
Y = df[["Taste"]]
Y["Taste_num"] = 10
for i in range(Y.shape[0]):
if Y["Taste"].iloc[i] == "Umami":
Y["Taste_num"].iloc[i] = 1
elif Y["Taste"].iloc[i] == "Bitter":
Y["Taste_num"].iloc[i] = 0
# Function 1: Use a variety of visualization methods to reduce dimensionality to visualize the data to be enhanced
# 函数1: 采用多种可视化方法进行降维可视化待增强数据
location = ""
tmp = fs.data_enhance_show(X,Y[["Taste_num"]],location,kind="SMOTE")
# Function 2: Using multiple indicators to evaluate the results of different enhancement methods
# 函数2: 采用多指标评价不同增强方法后的结果
tmp1 = fs.data_enhance(X.iloc[:,:-1],Y[["Taste_num"]])
# Function 3: Visualize the return result of function 2
# 函数3:可视化函数2的返回结果
location = ""
tmp2 = fs.data_enhance_compare(tmp1,location,name)
# Here is an example of the function binary_classfication_ws
# 这里以函数binary_classfication_ws举例
# 开始加载环境
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import auto_ml_c.binary_classfication as abc
# 读取测试数据
df = pd.read_csv("2_data_deal_smote.csv")
X = df.iloc[:,:-1]
Y = df["label"]
score = 'accuracy'
# The first function, draw ROC image
tmp_a = abc.binary_ROC(X,Y,cv,"111","accuracy")
# The second function, get Auc_data, Acc_data, Recall_data, Precision_data
tmp_b1,tmp_b2,tmp_b3,tmp_b4 = abc.auto_model(X,Y,cv,"accuracy")
# The third function, draw the evaluation graph obtained by function 2 auto_model
tmp_c = abc.estimator_violion(tmp_b1,tmp_b2,"Violionplot")