
Multiplying two matrices - not working in 3D range

ZahariStoyanov opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently working on a Java library for matrix operations and ML. I use Aparapi to utilize the GPU.
I've written this code to multiply two matrices:

   public static NDmatrix matMul(float[][] a, float[][] b) {
        int[] aDim = new int[]{a.length, a[0].length};
        int[] bDim = new int[]{b.length, b[0].length};
        if(aDim[1] == bDim[0]){
            int[] Dim = new int[]{aDim[0], bDim[1]};
            int aVSize = aDim[0] * aDim[1];
            float[] aVector = new float[aVSize];
            for(int i = 0; i < aDim[0]; i++)
                System.arraycopy(a[i], 0, aVector, i * aDim[1], aDim[1]);
            int bVSize = bDim[0] * bDim[1];
            float[] bVector = new float[bVSize];
            for(int i = 0; i < bDim[0]; i++)
                System.arraycopy(b[i], 0, bVector, i * bDim[1], bDim[1]);
            int resVSize = Dim[0] * Dim[1];
            float[] resVector = new float[resVSize];
            int d[] = new int[]{aDim[1]};
            Kernel mKernel = new Kernel() {
                final int ht = Dim[0];
                final int wt = Dim[1];
                final int dpt = d[0];
                public void run() {
                    int c = getGlobalId(0);
                    int r = getGlobalId(1);
                    int l = getGlobalId(2); // used with 3D range
                    localBarrier(); // used with 3D range
                    //for(int l = 0; l < dpt; l++) // used with 2D range
                    resVector[r * wt + c] += aVector[r * dpt + l] * bVector[l * wt + c]; // in 3D range, this only works for l = 0
            mKernel.execute(Range.create3D(Dim[1], Dim[0], d[0]));
            //mKernel.execute(Range.create2D(Dim[1], Dim[0]));
            return new NDmatrix(Dim, resVector, null);
        System.out.println("The number of columns in left matrix and number of rows in right matrix do not match.");
        return null;

However, it looks like resVector[some_index] only gets updated once(r + aVector[0 * dpt + 0] * bVector[0 * wt + c]). If, instead, I use a 2D range and a loop(the commented bits in the code), it works correctly. What could be the reason for such behavior and how can I force it to work fully parallel?

Interestingly, I tried one thing that "worked" - after updating resVector[some_index], I called this.put(resVector). However, it then couldn't compile in OpenCL and ended up using Java's multi-threading instead, eventually resulting in a correct result.

So... I added this loop in conjunction with the 3D range and it works:

                    for(int i = 0; i < dpt; i++)
                        if(i == l) resVector[r * wt + c] += aVector[r * dpt + l] * bVector[l * wt + c];

Why would it need such a bizarre force? What am I missing?