- 1
- 3 not working
#175 opened by chopikus - 1
Question: Support for Xeon Phi?
#169 opened by PerfAnxiety - 1
- 18
Nvidia RTX 3080 GPU not detected
#168 opened by Raunak-Singh-Inventor - 13
- 0
wrongfully fails on loop in my kernel
#172 opened by liufeicc - 3
Kernel overall local size
#171 opened by forreg16 - 0
Can be added Kernel.put(short)?
#167 opened by yiulo - 2
Codegen wrongfully fails on Scala-written kernels
#160 opened by yuvaldeg - 1
Aparapi previously working now only runs on CPU instead of GPU after driver update
#164 opened by maflores16 - 0
Sparse Matrix
#163 opened by winsway - 9
The JVM crashes irregularly.
#143 opened by Xianguang-Zhou - 2
- 2
Aparapi 1.8.0 and 1.9.0 fail to run OpenCL on Mac OSX
#122 opened by freemo - 1
Access to OpenCL build options
#158 opened by arminhaaf - 2
Inconsistent scala version
#157 opened by NickCody - 1
Scala Kernels can't handle branching
#161 opened by yuvaldeg - 2
Debugging errors
#159 opened by Pascal66 - 9
Still can't run Aparapi v1.10.0 - v1.8.0 on Mac OSX (MacBook Pro 2x GPU).. but v1.7.0 works
#148 opened by orvarehn - 0
Is it possible to execute external Jar Files?
#155 opened by flo2000ace - 1
Make Scala optional
#144 opened by re-thc - 12
Kernel.dispose always fail in openjdk12
#153 opened by AlexanderFedyukov - 4
Problems with accessing multidimensional arrays with different sizes in higher dimensions
#152 opened by wave-b - 1
Tests Fail when running Maven on Windows 10
#151 opened by hungrybluedev - 0
Won't compile on windows
#149 opened by freemo - 3
[Bounty $20] Two inline assignments in the same statement produce incorrect opencl code.
#99 opened by freemo - 3
Failed to translate Kernel
#147 opened by PtrMan - 0
More detailed Exceptions
#146 opened by PtrMan - 5
- 49
Huge AtomicInteger arrays
#138 opened by gpeabody - 0
Enable Flags don't work anymore in 1.10.0
#141 opened by Helios85 - 3
cleanUpArrays() Error on AMD OPENCL
#135 opened - 3
Support for scala
#130 opened by eklavya - 2
Travis fails because it needs AMDAPP-SDK
#120 opened by freemo - 1
Add support for classifiers for jar
#132 opened by re-thc - 0
Is device fallback working properly?
#124 opened by freemo - 0
- 0
Add OpenCL 2.1 testing in travis
#111 opened by freemo - 1
- 2
Configurator can't find devices
#118 opened by freemo - 1
- 1
Profiling unit tests fail due to timeout
#113 opened by freemo - 9
- 7
Deadlock running integration test ProfileReportBackwardsCompatTest.sequentialSingleThreadJTPTest()
#101 opened by CoreRasurae - 0
[Bounty $20] Inline declarations throw exception.
#97 opened by freemo - 1
- 0
- 0
[Bounty $20] Break in loop causes kernel to hang
#93 opened by freemo - 0