
A mobile android application developed in Android Studio as part of my semester long project for my software engineering class

Primary LanguageJava


An android application developed from scratch in Android Studio as part of my semester long project for my software engineering class at Uottawa. The entire app was coded using JAVA and for the backend, I have used firebase Email/password authentication to store the User credentials.

This project was started on september 2019 and completed on December 2019. Feel free to download the APK file in the deployed APK folder to try out the app.

Admin Credentials for Admin Access:

username: admin

password: 5T5ptQ



Image of HomeScreen

User Login Page

Image of UserLogin

Admin Login Page

Image of AdminLogin

SignUp Page

Image of SignUp

Employee Complete Profile Page

Image of EmployeeProfile

Nearby Clinic Search Page

Image of ClinicSearch

Admin Functionality - Deleting existing User & Employee Accounts

Image of ClinicSearch

User Rating Page

Image of UserRating