
A setup of Gulp specifically created for Drupal developers.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Gulp for Drupal

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


This gulp setup features a full Drupal Gulp workflow for proccesing your SCSS files, running browsersync, linting SCSS and JavaScript and several other tasks. This Gulp setup is made to work with Drupal (tested with Drupal 7 & 8) but can also be configured to work with any other project. The setup is extremely customisable by editing the gulpconfig.json.


  • Install nodejs
  • Run npm install gulp-cli yarn -g in your terminal
  • Move the files to your theme folder
  • Run yarn install
  • Windows users should go to the node_modules folder and search for .info files and remove those
  • Install the [Browsersync module] (https://www.drupal.org/project/browsersync) and activiate this in your theme


Task Function
default Run watch Task
bootstrap Generate Bootstap JS
browsersync Serve files (with watching)
cd Check for Node Updates
cr Clear Gulp Cache (for images)
images Optimize Images
js Generate JS files (Bootstrap and Modernizr)
libraries Get necessary library files
lint Lint SCSS
modernizr Generate Modenizr.js file based on CSS and JS
parker Analyse your CSS files with parker
serve Compile SCSS and serve files (without watching)
share Browsersync Server without Synchronising
sizereport Generate report of project size
stats Statistics about your CSS
styles (sass) Compile SCSS
watch Compile SCSS and serve files (with watching)
watch--files-only Watch for file changing


The gulp setup is made to be fully configurable by changing the settings in gulpconfig.json. If you change settings while running a task (eg. gulp watch), make sure you restart the task for the changes to work.


Setting Explanation
allowLocalOverride Choose whether or not to allow a global configuration file to override the project config file
projectpath Project folder root
logopath Site logo - optional
locations ** Configure Source, destination and library destination for your files
browsersupport Which browsers to support with autoprefixer
minify Want to minify your CSS?
gzip Compress your CSS files using Gzip.
compass Allow use of compass functions?
compass Allow use of compass functions?
exclude Exclude SCSS / SASS files from stream
sourcemaps sourcemaps Want CSS sourcemaps?
sourcemaps location Where to put sourcemaps (keep empty to place inline)
sourcemaps loadmaps Load existing sourcemaps
sourcemaps identitymap Set to true to generate a full valid source map encoding no changes
sourcemaps debug Get debug messages
sourcemaps addcomment By default a comment containing / referencing the source map is added
sourcemaps includecontent By default the source maps include the source code. Pass false to use the original files.
sourcemaps charset Sets the charset for inline source maps. Default: utf8
sourcemaps destpath Set the destination path (the same you pass to gulp.dest()).
sourcemaps sourcemappingurlprefix Specify a prefix to be prepended onto the source map URL when writing external source maps.
linter config Path to sass lint config file
jspluginspath Where to put libraries as Modernizr and Bootstrap
sourcemaps sourcemaps Generate Sourcemaps for JavaScript files (Bootstrap library)
sourcemaps location Where to put sourcemaps (keep empty to place inline)
sourcemaps loadmaps Load existing sourcemaps
sourcemaps identitymap Set to true to generate a full valid source map encoding no changes
sourcemaps debug Get debug messages
sourcemaps addcomment By default a comment containing / referencing the source map is added
sourcemaps includecontent By default the source maps include the source code. Pass false to use the original files.
sourcemaps charset Sets the charset for inline source maps. Default: utf8
sourcemaps destpath Set the destination path (the same you pass to gulp.dest()).
sourcemaps sourcemappingurlprefix Specify a prefix to be prepended onto the source map URL when writing external source maps.
minify Minify JavaScript, this removes comments, linebreaks and spaces
gzip Compress JavaScript using Gzip
bootstrap ** True or false if you want to include these in your bootstrap.js file
modernizr include Which tests do you always want to include in modernizr (The default test are nessecary for modernizr to work correctly)
modernizr exclude Exclude tests from your modernizr file, useful if you use the same classes
images ** Image optimize configuration
watch ** Configure types to watch, you can turn sections on and of, configure extensions to watch and which tasks to run
open Open Browsersync page after starting server
loglevel Amount of Browsersync logging you want (debug, info or silent)
logfilechanges Console notification on refresh (gives you multiple messages on every change)
share Share can be used as a separate Browsersync session to share your work while working on it
open Open share page after starting server
clicks Sync clicks on share server
forms Sync forms on share server
scroll Sync Scrolling on share server
port Set port number for share server
maxsize ** General max size of files, used with gulp sizereport

To watch more files, add a group to watch, set use to true, and enter the extensions. Please make sure you also add a group of the same name to locations and configure at least a source. On file changes a Browsersync reload will be run by default, to add other tasks you can add "tasks": [] with an array of tasks to any group.


After adding libaries with yarn add or npm install --save, a section will be added to the libraries.json file. after configuring which files you would like, run gulp libraries to copy the library files to their location. You can configure the source files, file types and destination per library. To configure a library specific destination path, add the following to the library configuration and set a destination per filetype. "destination": { "scss": "scss/libaries", "js": "js/libraries" }


The SASS / SCSS linter is configurable from a separate file, all the settings are described inside .sass-lint.yml.

SCSS/Sass Import

You can import sass files with a wildcard. Use the following setup: @import "folder/**";

For second layer of folders use the following: @import "folder/**/*";

Local Configuration

It is posible to override the gulpconfig locally. If override is allowed (in gulpconfig.json), you can create a new gulpconfig.local.json file. In this you can add any setting from the gulpconfig.


   "locations": {
     "styles": {
       "dist": "myowncssfolder/"


Like every part of Gulp-for-Drupal, the watch task is fully configurable. You can simply add or remove filegroups yourself. for each group, you can configure which file extensions should be watched and which tasks should be run. By default browsersync is run for all groups. Each group should also have at least the src configured under locations.


"watch" : {
  "styles" : { // Group name
    "use" : true, //Choose wheter or not to watch this group (especially handy while using a local config file)
    "extensions": ["scss", "sass"], // an array of extensions to watch
    "tasks" : ["styles", "lint"] // an array of gulp tasks to perform (Optional)


The libraries task can be used to extract all neccessary files from libraries installed with Bower, NPM or Yarn. When running this task will look for any dependency configured in bower.json or package.json (bassed on your settings) and add these to libraries.json. For each library you can configure which files you want to copy, this can either be done by file type or as an single directory/file string (see examples). You have to set all file types you which to copy to true. By default each file will be copied to the path configured per file type and per library (eg css files go under css/libraries/bootstrap). You can specify different destinations per library (see examples). It is possible to flatten the output so all files will be copied without the original folderstructure. To use this, the global setting can be used. This setting can be overwritten for each of the libraries (see examples).


  "bootstrap": {
      "files": {
        "js": [
        "scss": [
      "types": {
        "js": true,
        "scss": true,
        "css": false,
        "eot": true,
        "svg": true,
        "ttf": true,
        "woff": true,
        "map": false
      "destination": {
        "scss": "libraries/scss",
        "js": "libraries/js"
    "bootstrap": {
      "files": "dist/**/*",
      "flatten": true,
      "types": {
        "css": false,
        "js": true,
        "scss": true,
        "eot": false,
        "svg": false,
        "ttf": false,
        "woff": false,
        "map": false
      "destination": "my-bootstrap"


The Styles task can include normalize.css based on your browsersupport. To include this you need to enable normalize inside the gulpconfig.json and add @import-normalize; inside your scss file.

Included files

  • gulpfile.js
  • gulpconfig.json
  • package.json
  • libraries.json
  • .sass-lint.yml
  • .eslintrc
  • .gitignore

Created by Synetic README.md updated on 2017-08-11 version 2.0.0