
This project is a showcase of using Daml smart contracts to build a multiparty workflow. It is based on a simplified insurance claim use case.

Primary LanguageHaskellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This project is a showcase of using DAML smart contracts to build a multiparty workflow. It is based on a simplified insurance claim use case.

How to run this project

Simply run

daml start

in root folder of the project. It will do the following.

  1. Compile the code
  2. Create a Daml sandbox with the Daml packages and expose the grpc interface
  3. Create a Daml Navigator on top of the grpc interface
  4. Run the init-script defined in daml.yaml on the sandbox instance
  5. Start a browser connecting to the Navigator on localhost:3000

Now you can pickup a party in your browser and try out the smart contracts.

NOTE: The UI is using customised react configuration and it is out of support. The configuration file is frontend-config.js

Involved Party

The first thing in designing a smart contract is to decide which party is involved and the role each party is going to play in the workflow. In Setup.daml, we named the following parties for this sample.

Party Description
Ins_Claim_A Insurance Company A's Claim department
Ins_Claim_B Insurance Company B's Claim department
Ins_Claim_C Insurance Company C's Claim department
Ins_Pay_A Insurance Company A's Accounts department
Ins_Pay_B Insurance Company B's Accounts department
Ins_Pay_C Insurance Company C's Accounts department
Customer This party represents the customer
Repairer This represents all the repairers and all the insurance companies share the same repairer


The below table describes a workflow from insurance policy creation, customer claim to the final insurance payment. The sample workflow can be found script test1 in Test.daml

Order Acting Party Choice Description
1 Customer PolicyRequest Customer submit a request to the insurance company to buy a policy
2 Ins_Claim_A ApprovePolicy Insurance company A accept the request and create the Policy contract
3 Customer LodgeClaim Customer lodges a claim and a FNOLRequest contract is created (FNOL: Fist Notice Of Loss)
4 Ins_Claim_A AcceptClaimRequest The customer's insurer accepts the claim and creates FNOL contract
5 Ins_Claim_B and Ins_Claim_C AddFact Involved insurance company B and C add their sides of story to the FNOL contract
5 Repairer AddCost Add cost figures to FNOL contract for fixing cars insured by company A, B and C
6 Ins_Claim_A, Ins_Claim_B and Ins_Claim_C AgreeOnWhotoPay All involved insurance company must agree on who is at fault and cover the cost. When everyone agrees, a new contract ClaimSettlementRequest is created and assigned to the at fault party
7 Ins_Claim_B AcceptClaimSettlementRequest Insurance company that at fault accepts the settlement request and this creates a new contract ClaimSettlement. The claim settlement is assigned to accounts department
8 Ins_Pay_B CreatePayment The account department of the insurance company exercises the choice. It creates PaymentInstruction contracts and notify the payment receivers.
9 Ins_Pay_A, Ins_Pay_B and Ins_Pay_C Accept By accepting the PaymentInstruction, the receiving party gets Payment contract and it represents cash payment in this exapmle.

Other Considerations

This sample is a proof of concept and there are many areas can be improved. The Repairer party can be further split into different repairing networks serving different insurance companies. More Customer party can be added to get other customers into the claim workflow.

Although the project covers the full end to end workflow, each domain by itself can be a seperate project. Such as relationship management among the repaires and insurance companies; The customer KYC information management; The insurance payment consolidation and settlement.