
quoting CLI tool for simple clipboard transformations

Primary LanguagePython


"This seemed dumb at first but now I use it all the time." - a colleague

Handle data quotation and spacing in the clipboard.

I constantly need to transform data in the clipboard between various formats:

  • SQL (single quoted or unquoted comma-separated)
  • newline (copied from shell stdout, email, etc.)
  • Python printed objects (such as single-quoted lists of strings)
  • Elasticsearch query strings (space separated unquoted, or double quoted JSON style lists)
  • Splunk single-quoted query lists (for searches like index=foo src_ip IN ('','')
  • Splunk TERM wraps like index=foo TERM("") OR TERM("")

I got tired of doing this with chains of shell utilities, so qu is a simple script that reads from STDIN, tries to infer the input format, and outputs the desired format according to the CLI switches.


  • Clone this repo.
  • cp qu.py qu
  • chmod +x qu
  • mv qu <wherever in your path you put your local hacks>
    • I use /usr/local/bin for local hack-scripts but people have Opinions ™️ on this, so do what you like.


  • newline delimted (commas stripped)
  • comma delimted
  • space delimted


  • single quoted
  • double quoted
  • unquoted
  • comma delimted
  • space delimited
  • newline delimted
  • Splunk "OR" formatting
  • Splunk "OR" formatting with each term wrapped in TERM()
  • defanged URL (e.g. https://foo[.]com)
  • refanged URL (e.g. hxxps://foo[.]com -> https://foo.com)


usage: qu [-h] [-c] [-s] [-n] [-q1] [-q2] [-k] [-T] [-d] [-r]
          [-e EXTRA_STRIP_CHARS]

Handle quoting and spacing from STDIN for use with clipboard.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --comma           output comma delimited
  -s, --space           output space delimited
  -n, --newline         output newline delimited
  -q1, --single-quote   output single quoted
  -q2, --double-quote   output double quoted
  -k, --splunk-or       output Splunk OR style
  -T, --term            output Splunk OR wrapped in TERM()
  -d, --defang          naively defang URL tokens
  -r, --refang          naively refang URL tokens
  -e EXTRA_STRIP_CHARS, --extra-strip-chars EXTRA_STRIP_CHARS
                        extra chars to strip

Some examples:

Clipboard contains the string "" (space delimited):

16:05 $ pbpaste

Output as newlines:

16:05 $ pbpaste | qu -n

Output CSV with no quoting:

16:05 $ pbpaste | qu -c,,

Output CSV with single quotes:

16:05 $ pbpaste | qu -c -q1

Output Splunk OR style with or without TERM() wrap:

16:05 $ pbpaste | qu -T
TERM("") OR TERM("") OR TERM("")
16:06 $ pbpaste | qu -k
"" OR "" OR ""