
searches wiki for snippets of information and pictures made using vue, materialize css and wiki api

Primary LanguageVue

api rules have changed so this no longer works as it did!

world of information

welcome to the woi this is wiki snippet search application.

making this project

i learnt a good bit about using apis and axios making this project, i had to make quite a few changes to the page from my original plan, it was originally going to have google maps in too but turns out you need to give them bank details to use the api so i used wiki api and imgur api instead, i did try unsplash api first for images but it wasnt very good and even tho imgur is not that great either it was the better of the two, some of the images wont make much sense as the backup images are random for now i will maybe make a better search algorithm in the future, i know this project didnt need vuex but i wanted to give it a try so i could get familiar with it. EDIT: I have now implemented a better image search from wiki so now they make more sense and not that many have to use the backup images from imgur.


  • fully responsive
  • wiki search with desctiption & images
  • links to wiki page
  • change the search amount

tech used

  • html/css
  • javascript
  • vue/vuex
  • axios
  • materialize css
  • wiki API
  • imgur API

known bugs/improvements

  • needs a better image search (mostly fixed)


2019-07-29 (4)

2019-07-30 (2)

2019-07-29 (5)