
Generic Webscraper with CLI and Webservice interfaces

Primary LanguageJava



CLI News aggregator currently just focused on top stories on hackernews.com


Example to fetch the top 10 stories:

newsgeek --posts 10


First planned release will be 0.1

v0.2 (future release)

  • Async connection to remove the 100 limit by throttling the scraping
  • Offset option for easy paging
  • Date offset (fetch all stories since 01/Sep/2016 for example)
  • Ensure current UID check is indeed 3986 compliant

v0.1 (next release)

Top stories fetched from Hacker News and output as JSON


--posts N, -p N

  • number N of stories to fetch

-?, -h

  • display these options



  • spring-boot - provides the bom for required deps and starter dependency management poms for bundled deps
  • spring-boot-starter-test - helps with regression/unit tests but not made full us of it yet
  • org.jsoup - best (in my opinion) for DOM access esp wit malformed html
  • net.sf.jopt-simple - only used minor functionality for the option parsing
  • com.google.code.gson - best there is for Json reflection. Jackson wins the other accolades
  • spring - only used for DI really (core and context) with some Spring boot deps too
  • logback - settled for the Spring default rather than spend too much time on Maven Spring exclusions


  • spotify maven-docker-plugin - untested as can't get this completing on ARM
  • spring-boot-maven - generate executable jar (full at)
  • surefire, deploy etc - standard maven plugins


As GitHub doesn't support binary downloads, this will need to be built locally. All these commands should be run from project root and require maven (3+) and Java 8.

  • For executable Jar: mvn -Penv-prod clean package

And then run the executable jar via java -jar ./target/newsgeek.jar

  • For Docker: mvn -Penv-prod clean package docker:build

And then not sure as ARM6 on PI 2 does't like Docker 100% But will work on it :)

Reporting bugs

Just drop me an email for now until I look into a Trello board or similar


Not yet defined

Designed and built on Raspberry Pi v2