
Ansible, Capistrano, Puma, Nginx, Postgress

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails 5 deploy with ansible, capistrano, postgresql.

Update: version for Ubuntu 16.04

Tested on Ubuntu 14.04

Step 1

Setup SSH keys (manual)

Step 2

Download this repo and unzip.

Step 3

Change in files:


ip = 'enter_your_server_ip'


# Set your repository url
set :repo_url, 'https://github.com/Syntaxys-dll/Rails-5-auto-deploy-boilerplate.git'

# Set deploy directory
set :deploy_to, '/home/deploy/applications/test'

Step 4

Add ssh keys from ~/.ssh to yourappfolder/config/provision/keys/

Step 5

Run playbook install. Change ip to your server.

cd config/provision && ansible-playbook -i188.226.255.173, playbook.yml

Step 6


cap production deploy