Computer Science Student
I'm a student of Computer Science passionate about fields such as Data Science and Machine Learning. Each coding project is meticulously crafted, commencing with comprehensive planning and design, and eventually leading up to solving real-life problems. Ever since embarking on my journey as a Computer Science student, I have had a strong desire to contribute to advancements in the field of data science and channel this passion into forging a successful and meaningful career.
For as long as I remember, I've always wanted to become a successful doctor who loved solving issues of people who were troubled by various diseases in their bodies. Due to this, I've studied Biology with an interest & on the side, had a slight passion for computer science and was always fascinated about how different algorithms worked to solve real world issues, a feat similar to what I wanted to achieve as a doctor. Upon finishing high school and taking a gap year to study for the medical entrance tests, I realised that Medicine wasn't really what I was suited for & eventually dropped the plan. After exploring my actual interests, I realised that my mind truly belonged to the vast field of computer science & the amount of potential there was for me as a Data Scientist who could combine my knowledge of biology & computer science & ultimately contribute to the advancement of the healthcare system of the world. After learning stuff off of YouTube, I got to making subtle projects as I believe practice is the key in CS. After making a few intermediate level projects, I realised that I'm still a layman compared to the rest of the world & hence, here I am, still eager to learn more & more about CS & hoping to prove myself in this field.