
Your personalized AI Waifu with OpenAI, Voicevox with the style of Visual Novel.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Novel Waifu

Your personalized AI Waifu with OpenAI, Voicevox with the style of Visual Novel.

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Built With

  1. OpenAI API
  2. Backend LangChain
  3. UI with Streamlit
  4. TTS by Voicevox

About The Project

Just AI Chatbot. This repo will serve as showcase/documentation the current project and how it will be. The source code will be published here, once its dosent look like a mess.

Thanks to

Throughout the development of this project, various ideas, plugins, and code snippets may be sourced from external contributors. Proper credits and acknowledgments will be given to individuals or organizations whose contributions have been utilized.


20.04 2023

  • Create Novel Style UI with Streamlit, the design idea come from renpy.
  • Asset for Images from Zeil Learnings.
  • The asset used will be temporarely for the development purpose. This will not be used on end product. alt text

27.04 2023

  • Connect UI with Backend (Langchain)
  • Add Emotion Detection.
  • Conversational Memory (Langchain).
  • Add 2 Tabs (Change Images for Asset and Settings for ENV file). alt text

28.04 2023

  • TTS Working (Voicevox) | This wont require to run voicevox on local. Thanks to Sharrnah for the Voicevox plugin.
  • Emotion Detection connect to UI.
  • Memory for understanding context tested and refactored (tested for 10+ message requests).
  • I have asked several people to create a character for various responses, once its available connect to the actual UI will be easy. alt text

29.04 2023 (Todo)


  • Breathing animation on the character.
  • Animated text.
  • Multiple Language support.
  • Customizable TTS (settings update)
  • Implement Translator.
  • Create UI to Create Character.
  • File to import and export character (.json maybe)


discord Arline#6822 (preferred) email(manba) mankacab@gmail.com


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

Please note that this document serves as an overview of the project at its current stage, and further updates and modifications may be made as the development progresses.